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Bangers and smash for supper tonight, made with homegrown potatoes, tomatoes, and green onions, and home-made elk bratwurst. (the parsley and olive oil came from the store) Yum.
my mother used to make pot roast from young ground hog I would bring her. it tasted exactly like her beef pot roast.
we have so many coyotes now it's hard to ever see a ground hog anymore.
I've never eaten groundhog (we call them rock chucks or marmots around here) but I don't know why they wouldn't taste good. They eat pretty much the same stuff as cows.
14.5lb pork shoulder roast headed to the smoker here in a minute.
inserted 8 garlic cloves in each piece and sprinkled Tony Chachere's Creole seasoning and Paul Prudhommes Poultry Magic
Sams Club sells bags of garlic cloves already pealed so I freeze those and it makes them very to insert deep into the meat.


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I'm opting out of cooking tonight. Trader Joe's spanikopita & pork potstickers.

Elk burgers & smoked pork sound good. I need to get my dinner going soon!
Had to Google spanikopita. Now that I know what it is, I'm interested...
Do you have a Trader Joe's near you? For several years I've tried to make spanikopita from almost scratch. My husband was willing to try it every couple weeks. In MA, our good pizza place was run by Greeks & if Mamma made spanikopita, it was awesome!! TJs isn't up to her standards but the appetizer triangles version is pretty good. NO kale! It ruins it for us, it's not a health food, just yummy! But spinach...maybe it is!

I'm not a big feta cheese fan. Although I love salt, it can be too much sometimes. I tried cottage cheese, not bad but maybe too moist. I never got it quite right & I'm tired of trying.
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Do you have a Trader Joe's near you? For several years I've tried to make spanikopita from almost scratch. My husband was willing to try it every couple weeks. In MA, our good pizza place was run by Greeks & if Mamma made spanikopita, it was awesome!! TJs isn't up to her standards but the appetizer triangles version is pretty good. NO kale! It ruins it for us, it's not a health food, just yummy! But spinach...maybe it is!

I'm not a big feta cheese fan. Although I love salt, it can be too much sometimes. I tried cottage cheese, not bad but maybe too moist. I never got it quite right & I'm tired of trying.
No TJs in my state, so I guess I'm out of luck. I love feta cheese, but I agree with you about kale. I'd be fine with it, if only it didn't taste like kale.
that elk burger sounds tasty. I keep reading how great the elk meat is compared to deer and it must be true because everyone I know that ever hunted and gotten one never offered me a sliver of the meat.
guess you have to add some pork fat to keep it together.
that elk burger sounds tasty. I keep reading how great the elk meat is compared to deer and it must be true because everyone I know that ever hunted and gotten one never offered me a sliver of the meat.
guess you have to add some pork fat to keep it together.
This was an old herd bull, so he's a little gamey and tough. But generally, elk are considered tastier than deer. I like both. I add a bit of beef suet to my elk burger, about 10%, just enough to keep it from drying out on the grill. I add bacon to my sausage for the same reason, but more like 20-30%. Most of the fat cooks out, so my sausages are a little drier and meatier than regular pork sausage.
I will be making spaghetti and meat sauce. I use Bertolli Tomato and Basil sauce because it's one of the few canned sauces that is made with olive oil. I will add onions and chopped olives to the sauce. I add basil and oregano to the ground meat. Quick and easy to make and tastes very good.
I will be making spaghetti and meat sauce. I use Bertolli Tomato and Basil sauce because it's one of the few canned sauces that is made with olive oil. I will add onions and chopped olives to the sauce. I add basil and oregano to the ground meat. Quick and easy to make and tastes very good.

I grow my basil with the Aero Garden and take the fresh basil and chop it up fine and freeze it in an ice trey that has a cover. you can put quite a bit of basil in each trey cup and then fill with water. after frozen I put the cubes in a food saver vac seal bag and whenever I cook I can just pluck out a cube and throw it in the pot. I've read that if you don't chop it up fine the freeze will hurt the leaves.
I will be making spaghetti and meat sauce. I use Bertolli Tomato and Basil sauce because it's one of the few canned sauces that is made with olive oil. I will add onions and chopped olives to the sauce. I add basil and oregano to the ground meat. Quick and easy to make and tastes very good.
I really like Bertoli Alfredo sauce but add basil and black pepper. For a spaghetti sauce I use Prego Traditional as a base but doctor a LOT.

I grow my basil with the Aero Garden and take the fresh basil and chop it up fine and freeze it in an ice trey that has a cover. you can put quite a bit of basil in each trey cup and then fill with water. after frozen I put the cubes in a food saver vac seal bag and whenever I cook I can just pluck out a cube and throw it in the pot. I've read that if you don't chop it up fine the freeze will hurt the leaves.
I never heard of Aero Garden but just took a quick search and they sound interesting. :)

I like your basil freeze method and may try if I grow fresh basil again. I'm actually considering growing basil in my bird cage. Since the cage is 3X3 feet as to width and depth there would be plenty of room to do in trays placed in areas where my cockatiel normally does not poop which is most of the cage. Even if a bit of poop gets on some that is what washing is for. If the bird eats some that is fine as I've already researched and basil is actually good for him. Might even do some rosemary and sage as I also like both and they are good for the bird. Chives and garlic are out as they are toxic to parrots and cockatiels. I would also like to do thyme but that is iffy as, if he eats too much, it can be bad but in moderation it is totally fine. The thing is that, if grown in his cage, I can't control the amount he eats. The cage also has full spectrum lighting so should be a good enviornment

Ya, I research what I'm willing to try feeding my bird as many things are toxic that, on the surface, one would think fine. For instance avocado would kill him in a heartbeat.

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