
May 2, 2004
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England (Bedfordshire)
Ok, i dnt know what they heck these are, but i have my breed tank with my babies in it, pressed against the sides of the tank, and between the glass and the breeding tanks plastic there are these little white worms moving around, now a while back i fed some blood worms to them for a treat, but i think a few got away from preying eyes, and i was wondering are these babies of those who survived, or a dangerous pest that i should get rid of right away????

I had some white worms in my tank a few weeks ago called planaria. If you do a google search on little white worms in aquariums you may find some pictures. If It is planaria lots of water changes for a week or so will starve them. Is there anything rotting in the tank. What are your water paramiters? How often do you do water changes? Do they seem to be bothering with the fish or swimming around aimlessly?
As far as i know, nothing should be rotting in my tank, i dont know the water paramiters?, i changed it about a week ago, so i know they are due for another change and no, they arent really bothering the fish, they are just swimming between the glass and the breeding tank...

Thanks for telling me, i was wondering if they were a parasite or not, i guess they are, so basically what you are telling me, is i have to change the water regularly, but how regularly...?

But i just looked at the pictures on google, and they dont look like that, they are VERY small, nearly unnoticable, unless it is because they are young or something?

Hi there,
I have had these thread worms before! They are tiny and white. This also was after I was feeding them their flake food, and frozen bloodworms. I believe they come from overfeeding. You may want to look to see closely if they are eating everything. and do regular water changes to help the process. Regular changes are once a week about 20%. Also have you tested your water parameters? Your ammonia? Angel
the planaria wont hurt your fish, in fact the fry will nibble on them, I was told that they usually come from overfeeding (they eat the left over food in the gravel) and that feeding less will help, (I also syphoned my gravel really well) I'm no expert, but I asked the same thing a week ago. :lol:
Over feeding huh... i thought i gave them just about enough, but i guess the tanks ornament are hiding the food, so i guess i will try feeding a little less, and yes my fry have tried to nibble them, but they cant get to them because they are outside of the breeding tank, but they are harmless, i am going to change the water tonight,if i can remember, i only have to change 25% of it correct?

Mine came from overfeeding. I was alternating tubifex and bloodworms. They didnt like the tubifex. 20-25% is correct.
I would step up the water changes. If it is actually planaria which it sounds like it is, they are not harmful to the fish just a pest. Do your change tonight, then another in 2-3days. Then you will be sure they have nothing left to eat. That should get rid of them. After theyre gone you can go back to your usual water change regime. I bet if you check your filter after theyre gone you will see a bunch of dead ones in it. That is what I did. And yes my lfs told me I was overfeeding too, but I didnt think I was either. Good luck, let us know how it goes. :D
GOOD LUCK with those tiny worms. A couple of years ago I had this problem and NOTHING would get rid of them. They multiplied and multiplied until every time I moved the gravel I would see groups of them, virtually stuck together....there must have been hundreds (thousands??!).....finally, I was so disgusted and grossed out by them, I totally broke down the tank.......had to throw out everything (except the fish...) tossed out all the gravel and soaked everything else in a mild bleach solution...it was my worst experience with acquaria............no one really knows what causes this horrible creature to take up residence in one's tank, but it is very hard to get rid of and eventually, when they multiply at the rate they do, I could not believe it could be good for the fish............

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