What Are My Fish?


New Member
Jul 5, 2006
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Tucson, AZ, USA
I bought a 55 gallon tank and it came with some fish and I don't exactly know what they are. I need to know b/c I cant get them to eat and would like to know how to care for them. I have some pics but don't know how to upload them on here. One is Albino pinkish and almost looks like an oscar.  I have an eel that is green on top and orange on the bottom.  I have a fish that looks like a fat plecosmus but has whiskers and swims upside down alot. Hope you can help
I do but I don't know how to upload them. I clicked the insert image icon above and it wants a website but I have the pics under my pics. How do I upload them?
go to www.photobucket.com
join up (it is free)
upload your pics to photobucket
and copy/paste the IMG tag to your post

the eel that is green on the top and brown on the bottom sounds
very much like a ropefish/reedfish Erpetoichthys calabaricus
The albino pinkish fish that looks like an oscar may very well be an albino oscar. Here are a few pictures of an albino oscar. Pretty sure 55 gallons is the bare minimum for an oscar as they're very active intelligent fish.

Does the eel look anything like any of these fish? It may be a spiny eel of some sort, or perhaps a loach. Does it have multiple whiskers around its mouth? The weather loach is one common type that has an eel-like body. Some of these fish would be suited to your tank, some would not.

The fat plecostomus sounds like it could be an upside down catfish, which would completely explain the behavior.

If they're any of the fish I've mentioned, they'd all love some live or thawed frozen worms. You could also try some freeze dried worms.
Pictures right after I posted. :lol:

Well, you've definitely got an upside down catfish and a ropefish/reedfish as The-Wolf said. From what I've read, both of those species prefer to be in groups. Might try a sinking pellet diet formulated for bottom feeders for those two, the rope fish is likely to be a picky eater so you may have to feed frozen or live foods: shrimp and worms.

The other is a cichlid of some sort, I'm awful with IDing cichlids but it isn't an oscar. They'll also gobble up live and frozen foods though a pellet staple would be better for him.
pic 1 Synodontis nigriventris upsidedown catfish. these do better in groups of 3 or more. they are more active and better coloured if kept in groups
pic 2 an albino cichlid, ask in the cichlid forum for a better ID
pic 3 definately a Erpetoichthys calabaricus ropefish. Again do far better in groups and can reach 40 cm in length
the cichlid is, from what I can tell, an albino zebra cichlid, it's a type of African cichlid... this may sound harsh but if you want tropical fish (semi-agressive and community) and not a species tank of African cichlids, then get rid of him....

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