Aww! He's gorgeous! I love grey cats but I've never seen a grey kitten, and I have to say: He is adorable!
Good on you for taking him in and trying to find out if he had a previous owner - it must be hard to take in a kitten when you didn't particularly want one and knowing you might have to give him back (I know I'd get very attached)! To be honest, I'm not sure if he did have a previous owner or not, as all the points made in this thread are valid, but whichever way, you've made an effort to find the owners and if they're not trying to find it, thenI don't think they must be good owners.
Just my opinion, nobody pounce on me because of it!
I found a ferret in my driveway and looked after it for a week, until we found the owner, then someone remembered a post card in the post office looking for a ferret, the child came on christmas day to pick the ferret up it had escaped, and i loved the ferret had it a week and got attached to it, but i knew that child loved the ferret and was glad owner and pet were reunited.
hey snow! I have been a volunteer at a humane society for over a year. Yes your right way to many cats go unnoticed. You can actually give the kitten a fle bath. I used to foster kittens and your cat looks about a good age. Dont use alot just maybe a dime sized drop. Also if there is any fleas put a ring of soap around the kittens neck while you wash it so that if there is any live fleas they wont go for your cats eyes. Also check his ears. Since you said you have taken the kitten to the vet (i think) how old did the vet say he is? I think your doing a great thing for the little guy the chances of it being someones pet are slim.
Wow what a lovely kitten! Hope you get to keep him/her! Or if you do find its owners it would be great if you were allowed to keep in contact to see how the little thing is doing! Keep us updated on how things go with finding its owners if you dont find them keep us updated with plenty of pics so we can see how the cutie is growing!
That’s a beautiful kitten, and what a set of eyes..... and your so lucky that the older cat has accepted it... the amount of kitten that were basically handed in was un believable and it was simply because of un responsible owner who had bought the kitten expecting the older cat/s in the family to just accept it and unfortunately cats are not like that... there very fickle things....
snow angel keep up the good work if after a week you still haven’t heard anything... don’t worry about it some people might disagree but treat her as your own... if you've put notices up and contacted the vets and still nobody has come forward then treat her as abandoned it such a sad thought but people think keeping cats is easy. Its not... their very very strong willed animals, they will "painfully" attack anything that moved at that age....
He's a gorgeous little guy, I've always wanted a kitten myself, and as soon as i get my flat sorted i'll be adopting one myself.
I think its great how you've taken him and looked after him, It'd be nice to think that he came from a nice home where his family are searching for him (as many people seem to believe) but thats not always the case.
I found my pet rabbit a few years ago running around in my neighbourhood, she was really young and frail, hiding under cars looking absolutely terrified. We took her in and eventually found her family, who informed us that the rabbit hadnt escaped but had been 'let loose' as they could no longer take care of her and didnt have time to re-home her at a shelter.
Its unbelievable how cruel some people can be, and if it was snowing when you found your kitten, it seems very unlikely that she'd escaped while playing outdoors
actually untreated cats are more likely to get it... a kitten untreated is already going to have a lower immune system which will lead to a cat getting a cold, (which is very common which I didnt know) which can and usually will lead to cat flu(if they've been near the virus).... I was always under the impression that they could only catch it from other cats, but they can catch it from cat poo.... you never know.....
and wether its winter or not cats will still go out the same amount as the summer, in fact cats are likely to stay in during the warmer months....
Thank you all for your support and kind wishes. Our senior cat Marc is getting more and more fond of the lil' guy and they play constantly. I think the kitten actually brings more life and energy to Marc. I couldn't askfor a more loving and accepting cat as Marc. There's no territorialness when it comes to food(Marc will let him eat out of his own dishes) and as long as Marcs attention from us doesn't go down(it could never), he's cool with the new addition.
It seems like the kittens tabby stripes are coming in abit more. I thought he was just a grey cat but it turns out he's grey tabby.