I had intentionally avoided this thread since my last reply because it really upset me thinking that someone could be out there looking for their lost kitten, but it was brought to my attention, and i do have a few things to say.
Firstly, snowyangel, you're being incredibly selfish. It is entirely likely that someone is looking for that kitten, maybe thinking it is dead or injured and probably heartbroken about it. To do that to someone i think is cruel. At the very least you should be phoning rescues and vets and putting ads in papers to say you've found the kitten. The pictures are lovely and it is a beautiful kitten but it is not YOUR kitten. Please dont steal it.
And to the people who are encouraging her to keep it, what is wrong with you?!!!

It is old enough to be away from the parents (we had a couple of litters and from the pictures, comparing to mine i'd guess its around 8-10 weeks) but a new cat in a new home can easily stray, if like i said before a child accidentally left the door open, or if it got out of a window. It wouldn't know how to get back home so would go with anyone who found it!!
I have lost my own cat in the past and i can tell you it is absolutely heartbreaking not knowing if its lost forever or dead in a ditch somewhere and i would never forgive anyone who took my cat without making any attempt to find its owner. I think it is wrong.
Snowangel, PLEASE do something to find this poor kittens owners.