What A Suprise

yeh I got number 2 :hyper:

I think these are from the first ones layed so i'm looking out for number 3 :blink:

I think I should change this to a blog.
yay for you! i was thinking of doing a blog with mine (now 5 days old was 22 but down to 19 of them, little sterbai)
Got home from work today they've been at it again :crazy:

Got about 16 eggs into breeder net, found another wriggler. I'm not sure this one is going to be a wrigger though hast moved at all, but still has the yoke sac.

Binned some fungus ones about 4.

I've been looking at fry traps today and may go for an interpet one, which allows you to attach an air line to it to give some flow. Not sure but it looks like it has a divider, so could put the eggs on one side and the fry on the other. So that the excess food is removed by the flow? Bet I can't find it in the shops around here though.

Ohh well another excuse to go to the local aquarium shop :rolleyes:
careful with the normal fry traps, my wrigglers managed to get out through the gaps as they are so small for the first few days..........
in the end i bought a small plastic tank (you know the type with the bright yellow or red lids that they sell in pet shops? it has a little plastic 'window' in the lid?
i stuck an airline in there and hey presto a perfect corydora fry tank :)

Well I was going to set my 25lt tank up for the fry, but my heater is naffed. thats after I filled it with water and fixed a temp hood with light for it :angry: So thats going to hav to wait.

On a sad note the one I thought wouldn't make it hasn't. I think due to my fault, put my hand in the water an thought thats cold. What a plonker I musn't of had the heater plugged in for a few weeks now, I have slapped myself very hard, should stop doing that it hurts.

A plus note though, while checking the eggs i've found another 2 wrigglers.

You can see the difference in size and I havn't got a clue which batch these are from.
Sorry pic a bit blurd.

Hi Spishkey,

I was going to look at them first, to check the size holes. I think if I can get hold a small heater i'll be sorted with my other tank. Plus my misses would have a heart attack if I turned up with another tank, or i'd get bashed with a rolling pin. :shout:
Thanks for the reply mate :good:


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Well i got 12 up to now, all seem to be fine, it's hard to tell when they are so small.

Waiting on a few eggs now, plus theres more in the comunity tank. I'll have to collect them later.

What's bugging me big time is, I never see them at it. Just always see more eggs.

Plus my bronze which are in my 2foot tank with the fry net and container with the newly hatched peppers , the females seem to be bursting and the one that I think is male is a "lazy son of a cat".

I either need some more bronze corys( think i've answered my own question there),
or Mister Pepper stud can have a go. Wonder what bronze/ pepper hybrids look like.

Last line was just a thought don't slate me it will not happen.
OMG I'm totaly Gutted,

Got up this morning switched my PC on, turn around to the tank, what the hells that in the floating container with my fry in?
OMG it's my 2 apple snail, took them out. Took them out, I got 6 left :angry:

I forgot yesterday to get a new heater for my 25ltr tank, didn't forget today though. I got a small sponge filter aswell, my other 1 is to big for this tank.

While transfering the eggs from net I found 2 more wrigglers, tranfered net to other tank and theres another 2 in it. Don't expect these 2 to survive because of the temperature shock.

So i'm back up to ten, plus more eggs, just a matter of waiting again.

New home

congrats on the fry, that photo is awesome!

my sterbai fry are around 25 days old now, and not lost a single one! (23 still going strong)
mother sterbai laid again four days ago, over 80 eggs, and since they are now in there own cory-only tank, all eggs are still there and not eaten!
Spishkey Hi Mate,

Good luck whith your fry, sterbai :drool: are one of my best favourite corys :drool:

I've got about 29 fry now,

Problem i'm getting now is dead ones showing up with fungus on them, within 12hours. Is there any meds I can put in that will help this problem?
Well it's been both really, eggs and fry. It doesn't take long for the dead fry to gain fungus on them.

I was just wondering if there was something to add to reduce the risk, because after a fair few days of no eggs being layed I got home from work today to actually catch them at it with the female clasping the eggs.
Ran upstairs for my camera, got to the tank only for the female to come from the back of the tank, minus the eggs :crazy:

Out of the 18 eggs I counted in 1/2 an hour 9 where gone, but i managed for the first time to get newly layed eggs with out bursting any. Practice makes perfect :good:

Any way some pics, I actually got a newly hatch fry, but its blured but never mind. I'm just hapy I got a pic.


and 2 more, all my fry are at different stages in growing up.


wow!!! ur so lucky!! I have fallen for corries, I have 2, a beautiful highfin female she is a big lady!! and I think a male as the colouring is darker and he is smaller also seen "feathering" lol love that term so think they are growing up!! well done on your hard work and mr n mrs cory :hey:

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