Fish Aficionado
Awesome ending to this story.
I am SO glad that the real manager handled the situation the way he did.
I've called and spoken with managers of several stores where there were bettas kept in horrible conditions and it always impresses my socks off when the managers will speak to me level-headed, listen to my side of the story and then actually DO something about it. I can pretty much guarantee you that if I had found that many bettas dead, there would have been a pretty big scene if I were in your shoes. I don't know that I'd have started medicating and feeding them because I'd have been too irrationally obnoxious, but I'd most definitely be causing a scene. I usually keep my composure when there's something that was obviously an oversight or something that was just "one of those things that happens"... like a fish suddenly dying - or something along those lines - something that could have just recently happened and to only ONE fish and not very often... But THAT many dead ones?!?!?? I'd have gone absolutely mad.
Good for you for doing what you thought was the right thing.
I can almost guarantee you that every employee at that store is talking about the little incident and the manager is going to not let them forget about it for a LONG time. You definitely made an impact and that store will most likely be in better shape fishwise for a long time. And they all have you to thank for it.
By the way, what city was this store in?
AND By the way also... my boyfriend is a police officer here in town, also. He would have reacted the exact same way that the officer who came to meet you did.
I am SO glad that the real manager handled the situation the way he did.
I've called and spoken with managers of several stores where there were bettas kept in horrible conditions and it always impresses my socks off when the managers will speak to me level-headed, listen to my side of the story and then actually DO something about it. I can pretty much guarantee you that if I had found that many bettas dead, there would have been a pretty big scene if I were in your shoes. I don't know that I'd have started medicating and feeding them because I'd have been too irrationally obnoxious, but I'd most definitely be causing a scene. I usually keep my composure when there's something that was obviously an oversight or something that was just "one of those things that happens"... like a fish suddenly dying - or something along those lines - something that could have just recently happened and to only ONE fish and not very often... But THAT many dead ones?!?!?? I'd have gone absolutely mad.
Good for you for doing what you thought was the right thing.
I can almost guarantee you that every employee at that store is talking about the little incident and the manager is going to not let them forget about it for a LONG time. You definitely made an impact and that store will most likely be in better shape fishwise for a long time. And they all have you to thank for it.
By the way, what city was this store in?
AND By the way also... my boyfriend is a police officer here in town, also. He would have reacted the exact same way that the officer who came to meet you did.