Well I went to the store this afternoon and the manager of the whole store was there. Apparently the man who identified himself yesterday was the Assistant Manager. The Manager, who was very nice and listened to what I had to say, apologized for the way I ws treated and apparently the Bettas were to be looked at everyday and any sick or dead ones were supposed to be removed from the shelf. The sick ones were to be treated in the bck room. He actually took me there and there were Bettas being treated there. He assured me that the responsible parties were going to held responsible for not doing their jobs properly. He is going to implement a system where each employee will at least once a day check on every fish not just the ones in the front few rows. How is going to do this I have no idea. But he did welcome me back to the store anytime to check on the Bettas and any other fish I wanted too. He just asked me one thing. If any fish needs to be treated , fed , or water changed, that get an employee of the store and inform them. Then if I wanted too, I could do the medication, feeding, water changes myself if I wanted too. But just inform an employee first. Even though they are not my responsibility, I will defininately go back there at different times and not too often to check on them. I just hope I made a difference for some little guy and that they can be cared for properly , even if they are not in the most favorable conditions. They need a chance to live as we all do.
Hope all are well,