Were Do You All...


Fish Aficionado
Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
...Get your really nice male fighters from? I'm looking for a nice CT, HM or Delta Tail male but my mum won't let me get this lovely chap because he would need posting - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Tri-Colour-Betta-Splendens-Delta-Tail-Male-Siamese-Fighting-/260973168344?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Fish&hash=item3cc33686d8#ht_500wt_1287

I really want to get one of the nicer males off ebay but they would all needs posting and my mum won't buy one for me if it needs posting...

So, where do you all get yours?
90% of my bettas get posted unless i buy from Betta boys as there around the corner :lol: could try putting a wanted ad of Aquarists Classified?
my lfs always has some nice halfmoons you could try asking yours if they would order one in for you
my lfs always has some nice halfmoons you could try asking yours if they would order one in for you

I was thinking of that but my only LFS at the minute is Pets at home and I'm not sure what they'll be like from there...

Lilfishie: That's what's up... My mum won't pay for a fish that's got to be posted even from a reputable seller. I think she's more worried about it being a DOA...

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