Well This Is A Real Pain In The Bum...


Fish Gatherer
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
Finally got a decent look at a crab that's been in the tank for ages, but very very rarely sighted and then only while disappearing into the rock work. Turns out it's one of the worst hitch hikers you could hope to avoid...

Here's the photo:


Correct ID of this nasty piece of work gets a prize*!

*prize = 1 free crab (dead / alive)
Is that a mantis shrimp?
I think I have a juvenile that resides in some rock. Any idea how to get them out. They are very well sighted and quick a s**t off a teflon coated spade!
If you can identify the shape of the carapace, it might help you ID this:

1) Oval, xanthid crabs
2) Triangular or pentagonal, decorator crab or spider crab
3) Squarish or box-shaped, grapsid
4) Other types to review calappid, dromid, portunid

It didn't look like the one you gave a link to, but, the pic is hard to see.

i think its a mantis shrimp, simply because u can see a sort of tail. And it looks like its sort of hairy, i dont know if some mantis' are hairy?

This may sound dumb, but could it be a Dardanus hermit crab, less a shell? It does seem to have a sort of "tail" not found on true crabs.
Ya I have the same crab guys, i think the picture is just confusing they dont have tails, but if i'm right if you ever poke it or try and get it it is really strong and just grabs onto the rock. I got myne out and i enjoy it in it's own tank, but it ate some of my corals, so you need to get it out, my lfs identified it as an armored cave crab. trust me myne is exactly like this one. you need to get it out it's not a freindly crab. the best chance is in the middle of the night like when i got myne, you better have a strong net too. It isn't the one you identified because if you look at your crab you will see red things inside it's claws and the Zosimus aeneus doen't have that, a mantis looks nothing like that?????? but this guy can do damage take it from expeirience if you would like me to send you a pic of myne i can if you want to confirm. p.s they grow fast, myne came as 1cm and i finally caught it 5 months later and it was 1.5" :) hes 2" now n i like to feed him. hes cool, but he killed my bangaii :(

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