WEll thanks alot

She's not a newbie is she? She's been a member since 03 and keeping fish for at least that long. Though it is odd she would have never picked up on appropriate stocking methods. ooh! Maybe she's a real live flamer! I've never seen one yet.
It was a very friendly forum when i started in may of 03, and still is some of the time, but there has been a lot of new people who of joined who r a bit cockey and thats has made the forum less friendly but made the maybe these people will calm down after a while ye!
I think I am to blame for it too, because I didn't think to find out about the whole situation before posting. I was the first to post in that thread and I guess everyone followed my example.

But that was the way I was treated when I first arrived here, and I didn't take it as offensive in any way. I understood I was a noobie to the hobby and I had to do all I could to learn as much as I could.

But I felt that most of pages 2 and 3 in the thread were unnessary. Spam, although I must admit once again I also participated in this. If you can call it spam. If the mods are so vigilant about spam, why wasn't the thread closed? So I'm assuming it wasn'ts spam then? More importantly, why didn't snotirl come back and post? There were many people there including myself who were more than willing to help, as is obvious if anyone read the thread.

And so to snotirl, I apologise if I came off sounding rude or anything, althought I must admit that your reply to my first post REALLY put me off. If you want people's advice, you'll have to learn how to accept the good and the "bad", which you obviously thought mine was.

I think the only person who is cocky here is snotirl, but I'm never in any mood to start controversy, so let's just call it even, forget about this whole mess, and try to help snotirl with his/her 100 litre tank.

snotirl said:
It was a very friendly forum when i started in may of 03, and still is some of the time, but there has been a lot of new people who of joined who r a bit cockey and thats has made the forum less friendly but made the maybe these people will calm down after a while ye!
Just because you have been on the forum a long time, means nothing. New people to the forum and new people to fishkeeping do not necessarily know any more or less than anyone else by default.

I do not think anyone was 'cockey' [sic.] on the thread, you just don't seem to like information that goes against your thinking whether it is right or not.

I agree with Discomafia but must strees to him that you did nothing wrong and gave good information. It was Snot throwing the term newbie around like an insult that got it going IMO.
Cat said:
:rofl: :rofl:

Snot throwing
think I'll learn to duck :whistle:

Come on its nearly christmas the time of goodwill. :*
Yeah, so it's nearly the time of goodwill. ;)

Beware of the following picture...


:sick: :no: :sick: :no:

I for one am very sorry. Don't know what came over me. Sorry.

Also, I am very sorry for getting your name wrong, will go back and edit it!



I just wanted to add to this topic, as a newbie ;)

i have read all 3 topics that have been started by snotirl and i think she had valid questions on all three, as you have to remember that although she may have been a fish keeper for 10 years etc etc, there are still many things to learn, she shouldn't have lost it like she did (or he ) but then i think that there were way too many comments from other people that were out of line also, all it would have taken was simple advice not responses that were harsh and full of mickey taking.

As in say i am speaking as a newbie and i feel that if some one had made comments like that after i had posted i would seriously think twice about posting again.

Think of the fishies, passing on comments like that might push someone out of the door and then they don't get the information that they need, go and get fish, overstock and put fish that aren't compatible together etc etc and then causing harm to the fish - these things have a way of snowballing.

N E way just my tuppence worth! :D
I don't know how well this fits but...

I know that I've been considered rude before because I tend to be blunt (you may remember me as thecichlidaddict), but I never mean to be, and I don't think most people do. Everyone must give consideration to the fact that there is no voice tone to these typed messages, and what sounds blunt or rude would not have had they been spoken in a friendly tone.
Plus sugar coating everything takes more typing time :p

I'm still wondering whether you had been planning a bigger tank in the future in the first place, or just doing what you want and ignoring good advice. Or maybe you are taking the good advice and just not saying anything?
Isn't thecichlidaddict a moderator -_-

And your right sometimes its hard to type what you mean .
SHELL said:

I just wanted to add to this topic, as a newbie ;)

i have read all 3 topics that have been started by snotirl and i think she had valid questions on all three, as you have to remember that although she may have been a fish keeper for 10 years etc etc, there are still many things to learn, she shouldn't have lost it like she did (or he ) but then i think that there were way too many comments from other people that were out of line also, all it would have taken was simple advice not responses that were harsh and full of mickey taking.

As in say i am speaking as a newbie and i feel that if some one had made comments like that after i had posted i would seriously think twice about posting again.

Think of the fishies, passing on comments like that might push someone out of the door and then they don't get the information that they need, go and get fish, overstock and put fish that aren't compatible together etc etc and then causing harm to the fish - these things have a way of snowballing.

N E way just my tuppence worth! :D
All questions are valid. But, she blew up right on the first answer she received and even insulted the person who gave her advice, so there was no snowballing there.
All questions are valid. But, she blew up right on the first answer she received and even insulted the person who gave her advice, so there was no snowballing there.

i did state this in my post ,my point about snowballing was refering to not gtting the advice needed for keeping the fish, i.e getting these kind of comments, not getting advice, buying fish anyway, fish getting ill fish dying etc etc-

I don't think that she handled her self well at all but ridicule is not the way to handle these kind of situations IMO if it was me after seeing the comments that she made i would just not have bothered adding anymore posts-maybe she just like to do this to get a rise out of people but the comments made afterwards were IMHO pointless as if i was a newcomer(even though i am but you see the point i'm trying t make) to this forum and read that post and the comments made, i would just walk as 3 pages of those kind of comments aren't very worthwhile.

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