WEll thanks alot


Fish Addict
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
All i ask is one simple question and i get a string of abuse, Thanks all this is really the friendlist fish forum around :grr:
There was alot of rubbish on that thread although to be fair you asked a question and then acted in an unfriednly way when someone gave you the answer you didnt want to hear. Still did go a bit far
Hope it dosn't want to make you leave the board, I think most of us have experienced something like your situation before, hope you cheer up soon.
I just read it all,I hadn't saw the thread before,At first they were trying to help you ,it is hard when your not sure and you over stock your tank,if you can't get a bigger tank just keep an eye on youir fish. If they look stressed see if your fish shop will swop any for you.
You need to read the thread:

What was said in the beginning was accurate and snotirl became irate over being told that the fish he/she had were going to be way to large for the tank. Then went off about how if his/her fish shouldn't be kept in his/her tank then all fish should be released from tanks.

The point that was trying to be made was that those of us hear do care about the fish and we house them in homes that allow them to grow to full growth. This is part of responsible fish care.

Snotirl, your overall attitude towards something that was being told to help you is worse than anything said to you. People were trying to help you take care of your fish and during the first page they were simply explaining the problem to you.
Yup. She went snuffleuppagus postal on the very first answer. Strike one.
I would have to say though that too often when someone gets on the forums and tells what kind of fish they have, regardless of experience or not, and then told immediately to get rid of the fish or get a larger tanks is not always a solution at the time.

For instance:
I had a gourami issue and then mentioned I had a bala shark in with it (note: I was a newbie to fishkeeping at one time also, just like everyone here. My mistake before researching the hobby beforehand.) and one response was to upgrade my tank soon. Not mentioning what tank size I had nor how large the shark is currently, but that I needed to upgrade soon. Nor was it asked until I mentioned it that I was aware or that I had already made accomodations for when the fish gets larger. (no offense, this is just one of several examples)

I say find out exactly their predicament and then assist with solutions rather than assuming they don't know what they're talking about. It's intimidating to be jumped immediately after posting what kind of fish you have.

In this case though, it was uncalled for the originator of the thread to start acting the way he/she did, but it would've been better if people pointed them into the right direction with their fish by showing articles of how large the fish becomes etc. in order for them to learn on their own. Everyone had good intentions that went sour.

JMO - don't jump me for this post or my shark - I know my shark needs a new home, but not at the moment. I have already made accommodations for him/her for future reference. Thanks for listening.
you got accurate advice , and just because someone is newer to the forum then someone else it doesn't mean they know less about fish keeping [ or more posts for that matter ], not by a long shot .

I read some of those posts [ just page one ] , and the honestly the only unfriendly was you .

You asked a question, and you some answers , apparently not what you wanted to hear .

IMO , You are more than welcome to ask again , just play nice :nod: .
ya, i hate when people ask a question, then people reply saying that there tank is severeley overstocked, its sooo anoying. but in your case you dont have much room for anymore fish
Whats the point of this post? She was wrong and went postal when someone corrected he/she/it and called them a noob which i thought was kinda lame. Why did u make this thread?? :blink:

I know how it feels tho i had like 3" (inch rule) to many fish in my 20gallon when i started and someone freaked on me saying i was unresponsible and all this stuff, althought i didnt call them a noob. :/
You say abuse, I call it something you needed to know. People were not nasty from the off but I think it was your attitude to someone that replied with the right information that made it kick off.

IMO the information still stands. Many other people have had overstocked tanks, you asked about putting more fish in your tank, you were told you had no room for the fish you had never mind new ones. It was the truth. Simple.
fufanu360 said:
ya, i hate when people ask a question, then people reply saying that there tank is severeley overstocked, its sooo anoying.
It has happened to us all, including me. I am glad I was told, if I hadn't known I would not have been able to do anything about it.

Lots of people are told, take it on board and sort it out when they can. There's no need to react in the way the OP did.
lucky62 said:
I read some of those posts [ just page one ] , and the honestly the only unfriendly was you .
There were other unfriendly and condescending posts made in that thread on page 2 and 3, IMO. However, I don't think the term Newbie should be thrown around as an insult. If it weren't for newbies there would be no TFF and there would be no future expert keepers. Welcome all newbies- this is a place to share information, experiences, and knowledge. Snotirl, sometimes threads get a little boisterous but I hope you can forgive and forget. For your future posting convenience, threads seem to escalate rapidly if there is attitude perceived in someone's response.


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