I would have to say though that too often when someone gets on the forums and tells what kind of fish they have, regardless of experience or not, and then told immediately to get rid of the fish or get a larger tanks is not always a solution at the time.
For instance:
I had a gourami issue and then mentioned I had a bala shark in with it (note: I was a newbie to fishkeeping at one time also, just like everyone here. My mistake before researching the hobby beforehand.) and one response was to upgrade my tank soon. Not mentioning what tank size I had nor how large the shark is currently, but that I needed to upgrade soon. Nor was it asked until I mentioned it that I was aware or that I had already made accomodations for when the fish gets larger. (no offense, this is just one of several examples)
I say find out exactly their predicament and then assist with solutions rather than assuming they don't know what they're talking about. It's intimidating to be jumped immediately after posting what kind of fish you have.
In this case though, it was uncalled for the originator of the thread to start acting the way he/she did, but it would've been better if people pointed them into the right direction with their fish by showing articles of how large the fish becomes etc. in order for them to learn on their own. Everyone had good intentions that went sour.
JMO - don't jump me for this post or my shark - I know my shark needs a new home, but not at the moment. I have already made accommodations for him/her for future reference. Thanks for listening.