Welcome To The Jungle...

So been waiting for various bits and pieces to arrive. I got some amazon sword, a little bush like thing and some anubias. The crypt they had was very wilted and he said it would just go in the bucket. My wood also arrived a few days ago and it looks like E.Ts hand-I love it! I also got some grass and hopefully it will grow.
Here are some pics.

After I rearranged everything-still a bit cloudy.

The "hand"

The bush

The anubias

The grass

The tank when the sand had settled

Here is another update, I simplified it a bit. I always preferred the bogwood standing, so stood it up again. I added another 3 amazon swords at the back around it. I floated the pink plants along with the green one that were started to wilt and after I put the fertiliser in, they are looking a little better. The platy love the plants floating, plus with the females showing signs of being pregnant they will benefit from it so I will leave them for the time being. I alwo love the look of water lettuce and the amazon frogbit. I will be getting some of that this week to :good:
A lot has been happening this week. My new filter came yesterday-it's huge but it's also incredibly quiet. I have to keep checking it's on!

My java moss came this morning-what a time I had with it. I was going to just let it float on top but as soon as I put it in it just sunk and fell apart-mega fail!
I had black netting my little ones cookie cutters came in so I put the moss on the slate and put the net on top and secured it with thread. It looks ok. Will put pics up when the waters cleared.
Thanks. This is what it looks like now.


I am just using the lights that came in the hood of the tank. It's 2 bulbs one is white and one is blue.
I have a better pic now, the waters clear.

My water lettuce arrived this morning just in time as 2 of my females are due this week! I got 30 but it's just the mini ones so hope it spreads.


Water lettuce can get very large. You'll have plenty in no time. :good:
Water lettuce can get very large. You'll have plenty in no time. :good:

Oh that's good i'd love it all over the top! Hopefully proved some cover for my fry which are due!
Forgot to put pics of my new fish.
my new male

and my pretty new female

Ok so after a hellish week of total sky high nitrites I shovelled all the discoloured/darkened sand out and binned it. The reek coming from it was awful. The nitrites would just suddenly spike and I have no idea why.
So after yet another 95% water change I put a fresh thin layer of sand and pulled most the plants as they looked quite wilted and now i'm not happy at all. The tank looks crap. It really does. I will get some cabomba at the weekend.
Here is how it looks now. The water is still clearing.


It just looks like it's missing something. It's so empty looking now lol
Just let it grow now, if you fill it in so much it looks like a mature scape when it does grow in you'll have loads of problems.
Just let it grow now, if you fill it in so much it looks like a mature scape when it does grow in you'll have loads of problems.
Yeah I had a rethink and i'm not adding anything else to the tank now. The water lettuce should multiply by itself plus I use plant fertiliser now. Here's hoping for lush green plants!
I hope so too, your spike may have been caused by all those wilted looking plants you mentioned dying back and your filter having a huge ammonia spike due to that.
Oh this nitrite spike has been the worst thing ever. It's been a week and a day and it's been 0 all day. Thank god since I pick up my new pineapple swordtail male to go with my female on sunday. I will test it again tomorrow morning I hope it's still 0. I got a snail today to tackle the algae, I am quite squeamish when it comes to snails but this ones stripy and small and it's munching through the algae like there's no tomorrow, you can see a trail where it's been cleaned!
Here's hoping everything is settled.

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