Weird Names Given by the LFS

Phantom Thief

Population Control Volunteer
Oct 6, 2003
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A world of my own
Well, i'll start. The other day, my lfs's platies were labled 'Moon Fish'. I wonder if they bought them from the moon or something...

moonfish is another name for platties.
well.... one of my lfs has what they call "domestic Large Mouth Bass"

They wern't anything like bass.

To start they were blue... They also have some fish called a Jack Dempsey and it's black and they don't turn its light on
Jack Dempsey is also a real fish name.
maybe the other was a peacock bass? Those are real fish as well.
my lfs doesnt have any odd names for fish. They did call a bronze cory an emrald cory though.
were they diffrent colors? If so they were dyed and the painted means its dyed. lol. if they are dont buy them.
my old lfs used to call hoplo catfish 'spotted kp's'

no idea what the kp meant and i never asked :huh:

one of the 'cheap' lfs's calls albino plecs ' monster brown sucker loach' (i kid u not) :rofl:
I came accross a lfs selling leopard danios as
"burmese spotted greater danios" There is no such thing!
the best part is; in the tank next to them were more leopards
correctly labled and half the price. :rofl:
I bought a 'Silver studded goldfish' really cheap and found out it was a rare koi carp.The pet shop really didnt have a clue.They thought it was a new type of goldfish.
Well one of my shops called largesnout gobies- Indian rock gobies, and Bolivian rams were called clown butterfly fish!!! :S
Ours is careful not to label the fish.I'm never sure if it's to prevent the fish getting a complex or to allow employees to make up whatever names they want :lol:

In my lfs they have the biggest, uglyest piranna named after the mayor
our lfs has this HUGE Silver Arrowana. i think they got it from somebody else b/c it's in this huge tank and hasn't gotten any bigger than when they got him. i think somebody stunted his growth so they tried putting him in a bigger tank. ne way, he's huge and mean lookin n everytime my fiancee goes near the tank, he attacks it. lol :crazy:
At a lfs near my house....where i do not shop.....they call cory catfish Giant kitties

and they call bala sharks.....great whites....

:rofl: :lol:

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