Fish Crazy
I've had the fish since January, so no chance of returning it! I'll definitely film things horizontally fom now on. I'll try and get another video tomorrow afternoon. I have to leave here about 8 AM and have doctors' appointments all day but then am coming back. I don't usually do one day trips but with the surgery coming up and then my mom staying here for a week or so I have some cleaning and packing and unpacking to do before going home Monday. I will try and figure out who to write. I DID hear that it's not going to make them suffer/cause a death. Should I just euthanize? I heard they can learn to eat blind and it doesn't cause PAIN as far as we know. Do you know something different? I considered euthanasia until given some tips for dealing with a blind betta... and he ain't blind yet! Should I reconsider?Don't use Kanaplex, it's not a bacterial infection.
Don't add salt or leaves. Just leave it for a bit and monitor the eye.
I can't tell anything from the video or pictures. If you film things with a mobile phone, hold the phone horizontally (not vertically) so the footage fills the entire screen.
The photos are just hard to tell from the colour.
If it is pop eye disease, it's not bad. But it looks like it is sticking out a little bit more than it should be. However, it's too hard to tell from the images. It might be how that particular fish is going to look. This would probably be from the dragonscale genes and inbreeding. Nothing you can do about it.
If you have only had the fish for a short time, you could return it to the shop and get a replacement or refund. the shop might not do anything but they might. It would certainly be in their best interest to avoid getting Bettas with the dragonscale genes due to other customers having the same issues.
You might also want to write to the state and federal governments about this and ask them to ban fish with the dragonscale gene because the fish eventually go blind and suffer a slow death.