Weird Eye on Betta (Don't think pop... better photos and video)

Don't use Kanaplex, it's not a bacterial infection.

Don't add salt or leaves. Just leave it for a bit and monitor the eye.

I can't tell anything from the video or pictures. If you film things with a mobile phone, hold the phone horizontally (not vertically) so the footage fills the entire screen.

The photos are just hard to tell from the colour.

If it is pop eye disease, it's not bad. But it looks like it is sticking out a little bit more than it should be. However, it's too hard to tell from the images. It might be how that particular fish is going to look. This would probably be from the dragonscale genes and inbreeding. Nothing you can do about it.

If you have only had the fish for a short time, you could return it to the shop and get a replacement or refund. the shop might not do anything but they might. It would certainly be in their best interest to avoid getting Bettas with the dragonscale genes due to other customers having the same issues.

You might also want to write to the state and federal governments about this and ask them to ban fish with the dragonscale gene because the fish eventually go blind and suffer a slow death.
I've had the fish since January, so no chance of returning it! I'll definitely film things horizontally fom now on. I'll try and get another video tomorrow afternoon. I have to leave here about 8 AM and have doctors' appointments all day but then am coming back. I don't usually do one day trips but with the surgery coming up and then my mom staying here for a week or so I have some cleaning and packing and unpacking to do before going home Monday. I will try and figure out who to write. I DID hear that it's not going to make them suffer/cause a death. Should I just euthanize? I heard they can learn to eat blind and it doesn't cause PAIN as far as we know. Do you know something different? I considered euthanasia until given some tips for dealing with a blind betta... and he ain't blind yet! Should I reconsider?
I've had the fish since January, so no chance of returning it! I'll definitely film things horizontally fom now on. I'll try and get another video tomorrow afternoon. I have to leave here about 8 AM and have doctors' appointments all day but then am coming back. I don't usually do one day trips but with the surgery coming up and then my mom staying here for a week or so I have some cleaning and packing and unpacking to do before going home Monday. I will try and figure out who to write. I DID hear that it's not going to make them suffer/cause a death. Should I just euthanize? I heard they can learn to eat blind and it doesn't cause PAIN as far as we know. Do you know something different? I considered euthanasia until given some tips for dealing with a blind betta... and he ain't blind yet! Should I reconsider?
Try to do your best with the betta. Don't euthanize. He seems like he may recover with good treatment.
But if it is bad genetics at play you can try to care for him but he won't live very long sadly.
Well companies have their "special" ingredients that they patent and then no one can use the same exact stuff. Tetra (who bought the stuff from Dr.Tims) actually use the real BB that help. The other stuff WILL help but the stuff doesn't stay and won't do that well in an aquarium.

Yah, I understand. You would not believe that I used to be like your mom... I had a 3.5g betta setup with a large snail... I didn't cycle the dang thing and I used real ugly decor 😅... But sadly the fish died in under a month... I did a lot of things wrong but it was a huge learning curve.
Maybe your mom learnt something from that experience
LOL When I was little we kept a betta (successfully, stangely enough) in a big vase. No filter, heater, hiding spaces... He lived several years. I guess she thought it was going to be like that. I knew when I got my first since that time in college I needed a 5 gallon (where that second tank came from!) with a filter. The building was hot all year round. Heater not needed. I didn't cycle but he lived all year. The trip back home at the nd of the year did him in though. 5 1/2 hours in a car... not good.

Anyway. I better start getting ready for bed. Did a 50% water change... Took half the leaves out. Will take out the other three. Water still pretty yellow. Thanks for your help.
LOL When I was little we kept a betta (successfully, stangely enough) in a big vase. No filter, heater, hiding spaces... He lived several years. I guess she thought it was going to be like that. I knew when I got my first since that time in college I needed a 5 gallon (where that second tank came from!) with a filter. The building was hot all year round. Heater not needed. I didn't cycle but he lived all year. The trip back home at the nd of the year did him in though. 5 1/2 hours in a car... not good.

Anyway. I better start getting ready for bed. Did a 50% water change... Took half the leaves out. Will take out the other three. Water still pretty yellow. Thanks for your help.
Yah. They are surprising sometimes. Someone kept a goldfish that was about 4 inches in a small 2g bowl for 7+yrs... Not that good of a life but it sure lived... Kinda crazy sometimes now things can survive.

Goodnight! Glad I could help.
Try to do your best with the betta. Don't euthanize. He seems like he may recover with good treatment.
But if it is bad genetics at play you can try to care for him but he won't live very long sadly.
I'm giving him every chance to live I can. Sadly, I'm on a fixed budget and I'm getting one diagnosis and treatment from people here and another on one discord channel and another from another. What one person says is right another says is wrong. It's super confusing and I'm trying to mediate as best as I can. I don't want to give up on him. He's gorgeous and actually pretty friendly. Thanks again for your help.
No need to euthanise him unless he stops eating or can't swim properly.

Just keep everything where it is in the tank (don't rearrange the ornaments or anything) and hand feed the fish if need be.

You can leave the 3 leaves in the tank if you like. It won't hurt him.

Fish from 20 years ago were better quality and less screwed up from inbreeding.
I'm giving him every chance to live I can. Sadly, I'm on a fixed budget and I'm getting one diagnosis and treatment from people here and another on one discord channel and another from another. What one person says is right another says is wrong. It's super confusing and I'm trying to mediate as best as I can. I don't want to give up on him. He's gorgeous and actually pretty friendly. Thanks again for your help.
I can guarantee the members on this site can help you a ton. A lot of them have 20+ years experience and love sharing stuff they've learnt.
I will hope for the best with your betta!
I wasn't going to go on about the 1.5 as long as I knew nothing was going into it. Sorry if you felt like I was lecturing you.

If it was me I would have refused to put something together I knew would be inhumane and fail... But maybe it was good you did that so she could see for herself (sadly at the fish's expense though).

What brand of BB are you using? There is one (technically two) brands that make the BB that actually is beneficial. That being Tetra and Dr.Tims. Which are the same, just Tetra bought the rights to it.

Is this the stuff? And it's different because it lasts longer? Just checking. Really don't want to spend another x#$ but really want to speed up this tank.

Is this the stuff? And it's different because it lasts longer? Just checking. Really don't want to spend another x#$ but really want to speed up this tank.
Yes that's it. Its not that it lasts longer, its that it's actually the correct specific s of bacteria. The other brands die off but this stuff will reproduce and really help you. It should speed it up a good amount for you... Are you using liquid ammonia as the ammonia source?
Yes that's it. Its not that it lasts longer, its that it's actually the correct specific s of bacteria. The other brands die off but this stuff will reproduce and really help you. It should speed it up a good amount for you... Are you using liquid ammonia as the ammonia source?
I actually used food but bought liquid ammonia. Was hoping to return it but if it will help it cycle faster....
I actually used food but bought liquid ammonia. Was hoping to return it but if it will help it cycle faster....
Its not that it cycles the tank faster, its that its a more controlled and accurate dosing. If you put too little food in, it won't be enough ammonia for the cycle, but if you put too much food in the cycle could stall and then you have to restart. Not fun.
The ammonia is pretty simple. You'll just measure it out. I used 2-1/2--- 3 ML in a 20 gallon to get a result of 3ppm. (The recommended dose) but sense you only will have a betta in a 5 gallon, 1ppm should be enough. 0.75 would equal 3ppm in a 5g. Divide that by 3 and its 0.25. So 0.25 would be your "full dose".

You read up on fish less cycling here:

It has all the needed info to cycle your tank. Instructions and all. I used it to cycle mine
Its not that it cycles the tank faster, its that its a more controlled and accurate dosing. If you put too little food in, it won't be enough ammonia for the cycle, but if you put too much food in the cycle could stall and then you have to restart. Not fun.
The ammonia is pretty simple. You'll just measure it out. I used 2-1/2--- 3 ML in a 20 gallon to get a result of 3ppm. (The recommended dose) but sense you only will have a betta in a 5 gallon, 1ppm should be enough. 0.75 would equal 3ppm in a 5g. Divide that by 3 and its 0.25. So 0.25 would be your "full dose".

You read up on fish less cycling here:

It has all the needed info to cycle your tank. Instructions and all. I used it to cycle mine
Keep in mind, the numbers I gave are approximate because each tank has decor and substrate of different amounts which displace the water. But I feel like 0.25ml would not hurt trying and then testing. It takes 4ppm+ ammonia for a cycle to stall and if you stay around 0.25ml (which would equal somewhere around 1ppm in your tank) it won't hurt it at all...
Its not that it cycles the tank faster, its that its a more controlled and accurate dosing. If you put too little food in, it won't be enough ammonia for the cycle, but if you put too much food in the cycle could stall and then you have to restart. Not fun.
The ammonia is pretty simple. You'll just measure it out. I used 2-1/2--- 3 ML in a 20 gallon to get a result of 3ppm. (The recommended dose) but sense you only will have a betta in a 5 gallon, 1ppm should be enough. 0.75 would equal 3ppm in a 5g. Divide that by 3 and its 0.25. So 0.25 would be your "full dose".

You read up on fish less cycling here:

It has all the needed info to cycle your tank. Instructions and all. I used it to cycle mine
Confused. Why divide by three? And how to measure so small?
Confused. Why divide by three? And how to measure so small?
Because most people use 3ppm of not ammonia for a cycle. But since you only need 1ppm I had to do a bit of math. 1 goes into 3, 3 times. So to bring 3ppm down to 1ppm. Divide the amount that equals 3ppm into 3 portions.

You can easily find dosing viles online or at your local pharmacy. Or maybe you have an unused one on hand. If it shows it as 1ml, 2ml, 3ml ect... That's fine, just eyeball 1/3 of a ML
A single betta in 5 gallons doesn't need 3 ppm ammonia to grow enough bacteria, a single betta will make a lot less than that. I used 1 ppm to cycle a 25 litre (6.6 gallon) tank for a betta and that was more than enough.

To measure small amounts, look for 1 ml syringes (eBay/Amazon or your local pharmacy). These come graduated in 1/100 ml. If you buy one in person, ask for a babies' medicine dosing syringe - I asked for just a syringe and I got the third degree as to why I wanted it :lol:

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