I hate sleep Paralysis D: I very rarely get it these days, and even then its quite mild. My mind is active and awake but my body feels completely paralysed. I can't open my eyes, can't talk, I can twitch my fingers but that's about it. The worst one was when I was about 15, and I dreamt that my grandparents were warning me about someone coming to get me. Next thing I know there's a huge zooming noise in my ear, a bright flash of light and my body starts convulsing for about 5 seconds. Couldn't move for a little while after that. The gods know that terrified me- it wouldn't surprise me if a lot peoples paranormal experiences were the result of actually experiencing sleep paralysis.
My friend, who suffers from quite a lot anxieties has awful sleep paralysis to the point where she feels that she's being dragged out of the bed, being pinned down, being sat on, etc. Glad I've never had it that bad
My friend, who suffers from quite a lot anxieties has awful sleep paralysis to the point where she feels that she's being dragged out of the bed, being pinned down, being sat on, etc. Glad I've never had it that bad