Let me unclog.
I did most of my fish stuff for the weekend yesterday. Picked up the first Fish for my 5ft - Juvenile Emperor Angel, Regal Tang (at my daughters request), Longnose Hawkfish, Cleaner Wrasse, Aptasia eating Filefish. I wasn't going to get the Angel but he was so beautiful and was offerred it for £35 so couldn't refuse. Nice little haul for £100

May have to go and get some nessarius snails this weekend but I'm not planning on doing my water changes until Monday.
wow thats a lot of fish, and at that price well done! best be pics at your journal
As for most of the weekend............its still the happy land of Kitchen decorating for me, last coats of paint, shelves to put up and then do the skirting,
haha bet you must have fun and then it's a bit of F1
boo! and WSB and modelling fondant for my daughters Birthday cake.
so much to do
Nice busy weekend just how I like them.