Wedding bettas

they may look nice but its no life for a betta and i wounder what they do with all the bettas at the end of the day.
i for one would never have bettas at my wedding and i think anyone who does needs to think about what the fish is going through just to make the tabble look good.
by the way is the betta yours that u have by your name? if it is he is stunning :D
Actually I think there is a time and a place for everything. think of it this way- if you are an avid fish keeper, or in particular a Betta keeper, what a lovely thing to have your favourite fishy there to enjoy your special day with you... :nod: They are afterall probably just as important as the other guests. If on the other hand you don't keep fish then I wouldn't recommend it so much. :unsure:

I'll probably get alot of negative about this, but I still think under some circumstances it might be alright, esp if the wedding was like in the garden at home or something...
Cheers, Xan
if they was in a better tank with a heater and without such a massive plant maybe i would like it but by the pic i dont like it
there will always be people who do and dont like it.
Aside from the plant looks like he's got some good room there. Just the same as keeping them in the bowls considering theres no plant in the way!
I'm with red fish blue fish on this one... what a beautiful table decoration, and a wonderful way to get fish to start my hobby. ;) I would take them all home and move them to big tanks and keep them. :D
I would say this is MUCH preferable than the practice of having one or two goldfish in small bowls placed on tables during a wedding reception. At any rate, I'm sure whomever is seated at the table can have the option of taking the betta home (and then providing alternate housing arrangements if desired).
i dont think its bad as long as the bettas have somewhere to go AFTER the wedding
betts_ct no hes not mine!i wish tho
Everyone's been pointing out how betta vases would be all find and dandy if the owner was betta-knowledgeable and was going to keep them all or have each guest take one. What do you think the odds are of even a small number of those guests being betta-savvy? I would say that the majority of the time, ignorant people get these as centerpeices, and either dispose of them somehow afterwords, or send them home with guests trusting the little card on the plant that probably says how it will eat the roots.
I really don't like the precedent that ANY product using bettas as a decoration sets. It just encourages the same old BS mentality that they are a decoration, not a living creature; as if they're a bouquet of flowers or a candle or something.
I say screw the wedding vases. If some betta enthusiast wants them, chances are they have so many bettas already they could make their own centerpeices from their personal pets. :lol:
On a personal note, I'm getting married in about a year and had actually thought about putting a Betta on each table... I don't think its a horrible idea. I will be having a very small wedding, so their would only be about 8-10 tables, and I would be taking all the betta's home after the wedding because I love them so much.... and I would love to spend my special day with a few of them :)
But that just my honest opinion.
I think the biggest problem with "Wedding Betta's" is what happens to them when the wedding is over. If the wedding couple plans on keeping the bettas, I see no problem. But I would never trust letting them go home with someone else, even with instructions on how to keep them.
I have a friend who is thinking about having them in the teeny little bowls about the size of a softball at her wedding upcoming in May. She is having something in the neighborhood of 175 guests - and there will be about 8 guests per table. She wants to have at least one fish per table. That comes out to 22 bettas - and I'm sure it would be more, maybe even 2 per table, because they'll be in such small containers.

She doesn't know the first thing about fish (she admitted this to me) and I'm sure hasn't even thought about what to do with them after the wedding. I've already warned my boyfriend that we may be dragging a buttload of beanie boxes with us to rescue these little guys and drag them all back home again.

I am personally pretty opposed to having these things on a table at a wedding, and there's just one main reason why. Think about wedding receptions, and then the dances. You've all been to the wedding dance where people get obliviously drunk and do incredibly stupid things. I'm sure that some poor betta would be subjected to a nice dose of beer or other form of alcohol, or some drunk guest would think it was funny to dump 2 of them together, etc. I'm just dreading this wedding all together.

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