Websites with bad advice


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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I've seen many pinned topics listing good websites, but I want to start a list of bad ones. You know, the ones that say, you can keep 4 goldfish in a goldfish bowl with no filter and they will only grow to the size of the tank.

You don't have to list the website, but a quote will be OK.
EG (this is real)
9. Can I keep my goldfish small by keeping them in a small tank?

Yes. Small and short-lived. A goldfish should live about 7 to 10 years; fish kept in small tanks or bowls rarely live more than 2 or 3 years. On average, they only live a couple of days (for every fish that makes it to 3 years, there are thousands that died the first week).

Yes, it says they are shortlived, but it doesn't say not to do it and what it does to the fish.
iMO the website has only commited the error of stating that a goldfish only lives 7 to 10 years. Granted we may find it morally reprehensable to keep a fish knowing that it will die at a very early age just for pleasure but they are not required to be on the same moral wavelength as us.

And the 7 to 10 year thing only happens when you are feeding fancy goldfish flake food (they swallow air and there swimbladders are messed up.)
if looked after properly goldfish can live for up to 25 years possibly longer :)
Umm, it looks to me like the person is just making fun of the person that asked the question :lol: "Sure, you can keep a goldfish in a bowl to keep it small. On average it'll live a couple days, so I'm sure it won't get bigger."

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