We Have A Winner! - 125L/30G South American Tank

Marble hatchetfish paired with corydoras habrosus.

It's not really the best I can do, but I think it'd be an interesting grouping.


We're going to need numbers L. Don't let the Mod side down! :)

If it's densly planted... Hmmmmmmm

Blast! Why couldn't you make this a 40g breeder? Then I'd say 25 hatchets and 25 catfish, but you'll have to settle.

15 hatchets
15 C. habrosus

With patches of E. tenellus, and smaller swords, with frogbite on the surface... Intertwined with bogwood roots, and river rocks, sandy bottom. I see the scape already in my mind and it is stunning, watching the 15 habrosus skim over the rocks and wood as the hatchet fish hover near the surface like little birds...

a pair of German Blue Rams
10 Bleeding Heart Tetras
6 Corydoras paleatus

Sandy bottom, planted with varieties of swords, and some java moss covered mopani wood pieces.
PS: light it with LEDS or a weak Metal Halide, I'm being serious. This tank will demand shimmer...

7 entries already - I'll close this on Monday and set up the poll, so others have the weekend to post theirs.
I'm going for the biotope naturally occurring mimicry setup...

15x Dawn Tetra (Aphyocharax paraguayensis)
15x Corydoras hastatus

Dawn Tetras have a very fiesty reputation for small fish, but this catfish species is left well alone, because the tetras think they are muscular versions of themselves (same caudal penduncle patterning)!
A blackwater tank
Sand substrate, loads of wood and indian almond leaves.
only plants are floaters

Apistogrammas cacatuoides (1M/2F)
12 black neon tetra
1 Albino bristlenose plec
Sorry it's been a while..... poll now up!

POLL is now closed and it's taken me several hours to count all the votes cast, but we have a winner!

In 3rd Place with 12% of the votes - Dieses Madchen
In 2nd Place with 20% of the votes - Xraymark
and our winner, with 28% of the votes - Jay1983

Well done Jay! And thanks to all those who had some fun taking part....

Jay your prize is unrestricted access to the Mods section. This will last for approximately 5 seconds after I post this message, don't waste it!
Oops, missed the closing date. Never mind, here it is anyway.

As decoration:

Very large tank simuating a wide and murky river, perhaps 700 million litres an hour flow rate, size commensurate with flow. Underwater decoration is largely irrelevant to the viewer as the water is too murky however for interest add a dangerously over-loaded log canoe with a group of Amazon pygmies cowering in fear as they try to get across.

Fish and other creatures:

A moderate size shoal of pirhana, perhaps 200, a large 'bask' of Black Caimon with some up to 20' long. One or two Anaconda would be nice as would a whole host of leeches, parasitic organisms and waterborn viruses just for variety.
POLL is now closed and it's taken me several hours to count all the votes cast, but we have a winner!

In 3rd Place with 12% of the votes - Dieses Madchen
In 2nd Place with 20% of the votes - Xraymark
and our winner, with 28% of the votes - Jay1983

Well done Jay! And thanks to all those who had some fun taking part....

Jay your prize is unrestricted access to the Mods section. This will last for approximately 5 seconds after I post this message, don't waste it!
Ha ha, #40## I missed it!

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