We Have A Plec!


Mar 4, 2009
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As the title says, we have a common bristlenose plec! :drool: I dont have any pictures yet because, well she has taken quite a fancy to the log! Bless her!

Hopefully I will get some pictures soon!


P.S Thank you seanie112! :good:
Hi, if the log is real bogwood then they will rasp at it for food and is vital for them. Also Plecs are more active at night.
Hi, if the log is real bogwood then they will rasp at it for food and is vital for them. Also Plecs are more active at night.

Um its not real, do I need to get her a small piece, I don't want tanins to dye the water though?

you could use a specialist food to provide the fibre they need. I use novopleco by JBL
you could use a specialist food to provide the fibre they need. I use novopleco by JBL

Would that replace the need for bogwood? Would a v.small piece be sufficient/stain the water?

yes that could replace the need but you need to make sure they are eating it. If they domn't get it from wood or tablets it will end up attacking and plants.

If you soak the bogwood in water, then change it every 3 days or so till it stops running off brown then you et rid of tannins. :)

BN's dont need bogwood...
a good varied diet is fine ;)

We feed our ancistrus (bristle noses) a mixture of fresh veg (once a week) and then mixed dry foods - Tetra Prima is a favorite.
Mike hun

pets at home do presoaked planted bogwood in their tanks , just pick the ones you want , there fish are crap but the plants and planted bogwood is from tropica :)

I got 4 baby albino bn's today :wub:
True, bog wood requirments can be substituted with diet but they would be happier with the real thing :shifty:

If you are worried about tannins most LFS sell pre-soaked pieces from their tanks and if you pay a little more you can have a piece with a plant attatched. (However some plecs can become snagged in Java Fern sometimes)
Mike hun

pets at home do presoaked planted bogwood in their tanks , just pick the ones you want , there fish are crap but the plants and planted bogwood is from tropica :)

I got 4 baby albino bn's today :wub:

Hi Sarah,
Pets @ Home are out by Tescos on aren't they? Will have to pop out and have a look this weekend. I assume she will be ok for a few days without it?

Ooooooh they sound lovely!

I tried to get some pics of mine last night but she was always in awkward places, fun to watch though!

Mike hun

pets at home do presoaked planted bogwood in their tanks , just pick the ones you want , there fish are crap but the plants and planted bogwood is from tropica :)

I got 4 baby albino bn's today :wub:

Hi Sarah,
Pets @ Home are out by Tescos on aren't they? Will have to pop out and have a look this weekend. I assume she will be ok for a few days without it?

Ooooooh they sound lovely!

I tried to get some pics of mine last night but she was always in awkward places, fun to watch though!


BN's arnt a wood eating species... they dont need bogwood at all for there diet.. they will rasp but not to eat it more to get algae off... so dont just rush out and get some becasue people think they need it, they will be fine with or without it :)

BN's arnt a wood eating species... they dont need bogwood at all for there diet.. they will rasp but not to eat it more to get algae off... so dont just rush out and get some becasue people think they need it, they will be fine with or without it :)


I will prob still get her some though, I have looked up RASP on Wiki but it refers to a woodmaking tool, can you please explain what it means? :blush:

BN's arnt a wood eating species... they dont need bogwood at all for there diet.. they will rasp but not to eat it more to get algae off... so dont just rush out and get some becasue people think they need it, they will be fine with or without it :)


I will prob still get her some though, I have looked up RASP on Wiki but it refers to a woodmaking tool, can you please explain what it means? :blush:


Wood eating species ie. panaques rasp on wood literally nibbling/rasping little tiny minute pieces at at atime...nothink that would be noticable but they ingest the wood, other species will rasp wood as in the will suck on it removing algae tiny bits of food etc etc. really only wood eating species need a wood source in there tank. Wood for other species doesnt and wont make any difference weather it's in there or not, i put wood in for looks more than anythink else but for the BN species it isnt actually nessersary. Some one with a little more technical knowledge will be along soon to give you a complete explanation lol

Thats makes perfect sense, thank you. I will probably still get some bogwood but just a nice little piece that will fit in with the current decoration and not look too big, im sure my fish would enjoying swimming around it aswell. :good:

Thanks for your help.

Thats makes perfect sense, thank you. I will probably still get some bogwood but just a nice little piece that will fit in with the current decoration and not look too big, im sure my fish would enjoying swimming around it aswell. :good:

Thanks for your help.


your welcome m8 :good:

Wood is always aesthetically pleaseing so i would add some anyways :) does give that natural look which is really nice specially when housing plecs :)


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