We get to go to a betta show!

Sorrell said:
Come early ya goof! :p :nod:
I wish I could go, I really do. But I'm going to Alaska that week, and I don't think the bettas would like it up there :p

I hope you guys have the best time ever, and bring home lots of bettas :thumbs:
awww, you guys know I'd love to come with!!! :wub: But since I'm going to NY in September (non betta related trip,family wedding) I HIGHLY doubt my hubby would allow such a venture (did I just say allow?)

I'm still in recovery from the Texas show :lol: :look: I get the feeling that some of my betta might be there though!! :nod:
man 4 of you are going thats awsome, im waiting for one to come around me in the east coast cause that a 2000 mile trip for me lol. :crazy:

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