Wats Ur Next Aquarium Project?


Oct 9, 2006
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mine , probably do a marine next yr...just a nemo tank in my current 30 gallon

or do like an amazon river bed in a 75 gallon tank and just add discuss fishies and small schooling rummy noses
Something around the 250g range, housing cichlids and natives. Big project for a newb like me who's biggest tank is 10g. rofl
Move my fish from my small 60 litre to my new 260 litre, and then add others slowly.
I am hoping to make the move this weekend. Fingers crossed!
Selling off my juvies and rearranging the tanks. Putting heterandria formosa into one of the little tanks, with lots of jungle vegetation. Possibly using the other small tank to spawn my peppered corys. Buying some more fish for the big tank. This will be gradually during the spring as my juvies grow up and leave home.
At some stage I would love to set up a shelldweller biotope, but I can't see anywhere I could fit in another tank.
I'm still working on my latest tank, but next I'm hopefully going to start on either a large Malawi Ciclid tank or a species tank and try breeding
Well, I have 9 foot of wall space doing nothing so I think I may build in a nice heavy duty cabinet arrangement with the provision for a 2ft deep tank and get an oscar again as the last one I owned was fantastic fun, such character :D
Im gonna do a 75 gallon mbuna tank. I cant wait for the new challenge. The challenges i have now, which i think any 16 year old has in this hobby, is to convince the parentals and find the funding. Wish me luck.
I'm still working on my latest tank, but next I'm hopefully going to start on either a large Malawi Ciclid tank or a species tank and try breeding

Malawi tank, great idea, I absolutely loved mine, great little characters :rolleyes: Add some live river shrimp as food and see carnage!!! :crazy:

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