Wats Ur Next Aquarium Project?

Trying to persuade the missus that the 4x2x2 tank that we have would look lovely as a marine tank (even thoug it may cost us a bit more than setting it up as a trop tank) failing that maybe a nice ciclid tank as I've never kept them before
at this moment in time, swapping my gravel substrate to sand (first time ive done this so it take time to prepear) then setting up the 55 corner fish tank my parents bought for the living room, (because they liked mine so much, they wanted one of their own, even if i am doing all the work, lol :lol: )
finishing off sorting out my little 10g community

finishing stocking and sorting out the marine tank

after that not got anything planned, but we're doing the house up to move so that takes priority for now.

when we move i want to upgrade oscars tank to a 6x2x2 and get a bigger reef rank
My next project (when i convince the missus it's well, well cool) is a 30g yello lab / red zebra cichlid tank, with a star wars theme.

I know I will be allowed but just need to buy a millenium falcon and an AT-AT.

I have high hopes.
Still need to sort out the filtration on the main 5ft tank..currently running an Eheim 2328 and a 2213...but feel I need some water polishing with more water turnover so hopefully will be going an "interesting DIY route"!!...

Still need to build a hood for the "thin" 5ft tank........just got to find some wood that will match that of the kitchen currently.

Selling the 42g tank...(currently on Fleabay)

Upgrading my 24in x 20in tank.....into a 30" tank...('cos the cupboard it is on is a nice strong 30" wide one :good: )...

....and then maybe going nano-salty with the 30" tank........but that will probably be next years project.... :hyper: :crazy:
I'm hoping when we finally move our new place will be big enough for me to get another 4ft for my goldfish, I want at least a 40Gal for them, but the bigger the better. I'm going to make it a japanese retreat. I have it all planned, a few japanese pagodas, a big bridge with some of those glow in the dark blue stones underneath to make it look like a lake. That will be right in the middle then all around it I'm going to have various plants, so it's like an underwater forest with a japanese village in the middle of it.

So after the goldfish are moved I'm going to make their old home a small community tank, I'd love to have it as a black n white tank. I'm hoping to have it as an entirely albino tank, my husband had the crazy idea of having some sort of plastic chessboard on the bottom and having plastic chess pieces as ornaments. I was thinking more black n white gravel and really dark(black if poss) ornaments and white ornaments and I'm going to try and get very dark green fake plants.

I'm also planning on having lots of bettas, so lots of 3-5 Gal tanks for them. I had a brilliant idea for a 'betta ring', get loads of hexagonal tanks, put them side by side in a ring(if that makes sense with some sort of potted plant or statue in the middle. So the bettas would have a neighbour on both sides but wouldn't have to constantly see them. The tanks have 6 sides, 2 of the sides would be touching the sides of another tank, but the fish would still have 4 sides not touching, hope I explained that clearly enough :)
I'd like to try a small planted tank. 12 gallons or so. I'm looking for a spiffy new aquarium to house it with great lighting.
something marine, don't know whether I want a reef or whether wanna try a marine predator tank. After seeing many different marine predators that the members of TFF own, I am quite interested and would love to have unique specimens like those
My next project is putting the roof and floor into my fish house and building the 1200 gallon pond inside it.
I want to buy new plants for my tank because one side of my tank's plants are beginning to thin out a bit. However, the places that sell plants have snails in the tanks, and I'm afraid... :(

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