Water Test

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New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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hi all,

I have had my tank running for about 6 weeks since it was fully cycled. i have tested the water every few days since and its been perfect. all 0's and 7ph.

A few days ago i tested the water and found the nitrites were 0.3 , and nitrates 5.

I did a 30%-40% water change and cleaned the filter and the tank. Re tested the water today (4 days after cleaning it) and nitrites and the nitrates are still the same as before. the ph has dropped to 6.5 also

i have a 75L tank with 6 corys, 8 neon tetras, 1 pleco. i also have 1 plant which i added a few weeks ago.

any ideas what to do?

did you clean it in tapwater?

You might just have a mini cycle ocuring and it should settle down over time.

It is quite unusual for the nitrates to be that low however.
did you clean it in tapwater?

You might just have a mini cycle ocuring and it should settle down over time.

It is quite unusual for the nitrates to be that low however.
+1 and oh a pleco gets too big for that tank depending on species.
i cleaned it in water from the current tank

i have been told to do a daily 10% change.

hope this works over the next week

i cleaned it in water from the current tank

i have been told to do a daily 10% change.

hope this works over the next week


If you do a 10% change, you're only going to reduce your nitrite from 0.3 to 0.27ppm - still harmful, big-time.

I would think your best course of action would be to treat it as though you are in a mini fish-in cycle, do a big change in the order of 75% and test half an hour afterwards, to check the levels.
that much??? 75 % ?

what of the levels come back after the first change

i cleaned it in water from the current tank

i have been told to do a daily 10% change.

hope this works over the next week


If you do a 10% change, you're only going to reduce your nitrite from 0.3 to 0.27ppm - still harmful, big-time.

I would think your best course of action would be to treat it as though you are in a mini fish-in cycle, do a big change in the order of 75% and test half an hour afterwards, to check the levels.
yeah - 75%


The only waty to do this is by a lot of large water changes.

Drain it untill the fish can just abut swim upright, fill it back up and then do it again.
you dont have to do that much, 0.3 nitrite isnt mentally high, a 50% change will see it down to half of that level, check it again in 24 hours and if its back up again, do another change. Just try keep it below 0.25ppm using simple maths with the water change. simple, easy and nothing to fret over. there is no need to scream at people using caps lock or telling them they have to do such massive water changes. jeez.
there is no need to scream at people using caps lock or telling them they have to do such massive water changes. jeez.

+1. 50% water changes will be fine.

Blubble37 - Ammonia wasnt even mentioned.

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