Water Temp When Changing Water

Tan DJ

New Member
Jul 12, 2006
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Brisbane Australia
What is the best way to ensure that when changing water, the water that you add does not lower the tank water temperature by a significant amount?

At the moment, my water temp is 27 deg C, but my tap water is about 16 deg.

Is it safe to put water that is this much colder than the tank water straight into the tank, or should I attempt to raise it's temp first?

Is it safe to use water from the hot water system to adjust the temp of the water in the bucket before adding it to the tank?


Tan DJ
I use hot water to make the temp of the water equal to the temp of the tank never had a problem as long as you dechlor. I'm too worried puttin cold water in will drop the temp too much and causeshock
So long as your water change isn't more than about 30-40% you will be fine changing that much with cold.

Even in the middle of winter you can change 20% without worrying at all. I have neever seen my tanks drop by as much as 3 degrees, and that includes when changing 40% in the middle of winter and filling it up from a hose attached to the cold water tap.

I found what works well is that you take the bucket with new water to the tank after filling it with luke warm water and added all the stuff you have to add to it.Take your one hand put it in the water of the bucket and the other in the Tank.If the water feels the same then add it.If not either increase temp or wait for it to cool down.Up to you!You will very rarley shock your fish!!!

Thanks for all your replies. I have been adding water out of the hot tap, then it occured to me that hot water systems usually have copper pipes, etc... and was wondering if water out of the hot tap contained any disolved impurities that would be bad in my tank.

I know that I prefer my coffee made from water drawn from the cold tap - tastes much nicer :D - So I was thinking that if water out of the hot tap makes that much difference for my coffee, what does it do for the fish?

(Sounds like I've just invented a new scale: the Coffee scale :lol: )
Thanks for all your replies. I have been adding water out of the hot tap, then it occured to me that hot water systems usually have copper pipes, etc... and was wondering if water out of the hot tap contained any disolved impurities that would be bad in my tank.

(Sounds like I've just invented a new scale: the Coffee scale :lol: )

Yeah Ive read somewhere not to use hot water taps as this can put traces of copper into your tank. I suppose this would build up to harmful levels if you made a habit of it.
Anyway better to be safe than sorry - I boil the kettle, then boil it again, and agian.... it is a bit of a pain.

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