Water sprite and hygrophila polysperma info please **beginner alert**

Not sure if pennywort is available in the UK as it is a non-native invasive species.

Thanks for this Naughts, this would explain why i can't find it anywhere! lol will just decide on another easy plant to add! Thanks for all your advice by the way when i first came on the forum! Water parameters are going down by the day with the water changes ! :)
If anyone on this thread could help to try and advise me on whats going on with my Neon id be really grateful! :) the thread i posted an hour ago is in the tropical fish emergencies forum! Thanks in advance! :)
I've bought Brazilian pennywort from Ebay. There are lots of sellers on there at the moment. Search for Hydrocotyle leucocephala or brazilian pennywort.
Noticed no one has mentioned lighting requirements so i though id throw my hat in
For fluorescent or CFL its 2 watts/ gallon for low light plants. For LED bulbs or strips it 10-20 lumens per litre for low light plants 20-40 lumens/ litre for medium. For fluorescent get 5000K-6500 K bulbs same with LED with LED make sure it has a CRI rating of 90+
Good luck welcome to the beautiful world of keeping plants in a box of water in your basement;)

Iv just done another post in the forum thinking I’d lost this comment on lighting! Thanks @utahfish im currently shopping around for a better light! :)
Iv looked all over on websites and I’m finding it a minefield!! :( does anyone know of any trusted sights I can go on to find what I need!? I have no idea off the information I keep seeing whether it’s got what I need or not! So frustrating :(

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