An iron based fertiliser with trace elements added is what you want. Sera Florena Liquid plant fertiliser is the one I used and I got very good results from it. I did not use CO2 ad only used light and iron fertiliser.
Home made CO2 units are reliably unreliable. They start out slow and then produce heaps of CO2 before stopping abruptly. They also produce CO2 24 hours a day and your plants don't use it at night. Unless you have an air pump pumping air into the tank when the lights go out, you can suffocate the fish or cause them to get acidosis (this is caused by a sudden drop in pH).
The only good thing about home made CO2 is you can get drunk off the liquid when it has finished producing gas because the sugar, water and yeast solution produces alcohol.
Ahh in this case I’d take it out at night when the lights go out. And really!? Wonder why this guys tank still did ok after 55 days then!?
Here are a few photos of some of my planted tanks over the last decade. I have never used any form of added CO2 but always balanced light and other nutrients with the natural CO2 produced every night in any aquarium (and then used during the day). I do use substrate tabs for the larger swords, but these do not leech into the upper water column. I also use liquid fertilizer, a comprehensive, minimally--use the response of the plants over a few weeks to adjust amount. I also use moderate (if not low) light, so the plants have ot be those that manage. The fish always come first. Some of the photos are not the best thanks to my cheap digital camera, but the idea gets across.
Lovely lush green, crystal tanks though!! Goes to show there isabsolutely no need for CO2! I’m going to use substrate tabs also with liquid fertiliser but will use it minimum that I need to! I have a low light also so hoping that this will do the trick!thanks for sharing!
Not all plants will thrive or even manage in low-tech/natural systems, but I have stayed with those that did.