Water peramiters


New Member
Feb 15, 2004
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Phoenix Arizona
Hello to you all..... Well do you?, I have been in the Hobby for 20 years and I never mess with my water as far PH or any other chemical make up of my water all I use is a dechorinater. Have been told cant put this fish with that because of different ph values. I have way back in the beginning, had a 55 with Yellow labs( back when they looked good , nothing looks as good as when I 1st intered the hobby),Jack Dempsys,L, leleupi,Buffalo heads,P, Red zebra and L, brichardi, and all bred in that tank, with no chemical changes. My water is hard like at 8.0, depending on time of year(cold or hot).So was just wondering. Oh I dont do that anymore like my lakes to be seperate, but still have different speices from Africa and s america and all are in the same chemical make up of water and all still bred.
I personally do not mess with my Ph. When i first started my tanks, I tried to keep the ph adjusted to what I was told that type of fish needs, but in my experience I have found that a stable ph is much better than one that changes with every water change. It seems to have eliminated most of the problems that I used to have with my tanks, and now the fish all seem to have adjusted very well to the ph i have.
My tap water has a ph of 7.6 and i want some cichlid species that requires low ph and i was wondering if they are able to thrive on higher ph like my tank..
I don't touch a thing. I don't even have a test kit. All I use is dechlorinator when i do weekly water changes.

I've been told ottos are very sensitive to water conditions but my two are thriving.
No, I don't.

I figure it's better to adapt to your water supply, than to try to change it, and maintain that change.

However, I have fairly "normal", but hard, water (pH 7.8, GH 19, KH 10).
And, I don't have any interest in fish-breeding.
Humm... Very interesting.Would like to here more as I dont use a test kit either, just weekly water changes.
ive got all the tests! :) but... i dont really use them unless i see a change in the fish behavior. thats my first clue that something is up. Having the test kits really helps in narrowing down what the problem is (if its not a ich/fungus/parasite)

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