Water Parasite?


New Member
Sep 19, 2008
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Blue Mountains, AUS
Ok so i forgot to do a water change for a while in my 40L tank and so i did one yesterday and now it is all clean and clear again for my pearl gourami. But when i came home from work this afternoon i gave a quick glance at the bottom of my tank and noticed a lot of black little dots on the rocks and some on the glass near the bottom as well as little bites out of some plants. I gave my gourami a look over and couldn't see any on him and he looked healthy. Are these a result of dirty water, or over feeding or are they a parasite and harm my gourami? And how to i remove of them completely

i did notice a lot of them looked dead and only some moved very very slowly and even with a magnifying glass i could not see what they were, they just looked like tiny bugs.

Thanks in advance for any help!
Ok your fish could have already had paracits, there is a couple of ways of doing it. either by the cure white spot or can turn your tempture up to 26'c and it will kill the parsits within a week or 2. My tanks are both on 26 so i have never had white spot, hope this helps,

They're most likely harmless. There are a number of small "bugs" that can get into tanks. You might want to do some extra water changes/gravel vacuuming to help reduce uneaten food/waste in the tank.

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