Water Levels And Temperatures


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2007
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Does the water temperatures in an aquarium get colder the deeper it is? The reason I'm asking this is because my room temps are about 76 (26) and if i don't need a heater in my aquarium i will not put one in. So does the water get cold the deeper it is or is it the same all around??
the filter should move the water around so the top water will be pushed round so it then becomes th bottom...if you get me......what about if your heating fails the water may drop too, heaters dont cos that much
I have a heater, my question was, if the room is 76-80, and the water is reading that, is it necessary to run a heater?

another question is, i have gotten mixed reviews from people about running a skimmer in a 10gal. one says no need as long as you do water changes every 2-3 weeks, another says it is good to have one. which is it???!
I have a heater, my question was, if the room is 76-80, and the water is reading that, is it necessary to run a heater?

I suppose if you live a country where the temp never dips below 76 then the answer would be no you don't need one - but in this country with power cuts etc, then yes you need one for such emergencies even if your room doesn't normally drop below that temp. with heating

another question is, i have gotten mixed reviews from people about running a skimmer in a 10gal. one says no need as long as you do water changes every 2-3 weeks, another says it is good to have one. which is it???!

I don't believe it is required in a 10 gallon but this is not an exact science, that is why you get different opinions

Seffie x
AHhh okay, ow when if i corals are added, is a skimmer a must?

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