Water Frogs?

fairly big! would have to have a large tank of it's own! unless you get the dwarfs not the dwarf clawed ones, i'm pretty sure they stay fairly small
how big do these frogs get

2-3 inches or so, my frogs have absoloutley no worries with any of my fish, to be honest i think the fish just pretend there not there :rolleyes: totally ignored by all of them.
they love the bloodworms, and mine like the tetra prima granules as well.

only problem i`ve had with the froggies is when they decide to go in to there sort of zen state :fun: they just lay motionless in the plants or bobbing at the top of the tank, first few times this happened i was scooping them out as the little sods sprang back to life and carried on, lesson learned :lol:

Im kind of excited now... Ill have to get my tank set to have them :)
i wanted to buy some they had ones that weer tiny the dwarf frogs with u can keep with anything that wont eat them than they had big ones, bout the size of my palm, i have pretty big hands, dont keep with any fish thay can put in thier mouths including feeder fish they will eat them
The best thing to do if you want frogs is go the the amphibian section that Soybean gave the link to. There is a lot of good info in there. Such as live or frozen live food should only be given as a treat and they need special food not fish food. In the USA use HBH frog and tadpole bites, and in the UK it's ZooMed frog and tadpole food. It can also be a tricky making sure they are getting enough food; they are almost blind and find their food by smell - by the time they find it the fish will have eaten it.
I have 2 african dwarf frogs. They were in the same tank as my betta until they started mistaking the betta's tail for food (they smelled food, saw a shadow and lunged for it). The betta ended up with a shredded tail, so the frogs now have their own tank. The betta also loved the frogs' food, and I had to make a hide-away to put the food in that the betta couldn't get in to.
I would also make sure you have some means of making sure they can't get out of the tank. There is one small hole in the lid of the frogs' current tank where the heater and filter wires go through. I found one of the frogs under a box 15 feet away from the tank. Thanks to member jenste's advice, the frog is still alive and well several months later, and the hole in the lid has filter wool stuffed in it.
i wanted to buy some they had ones that weer tiny the dwarf frogs with u can keep with anything that wont eat them than they had big ones, bout the size of my palm, i have pretty big hands, dont keep with any fish thay can put in thier mouths including feeder fish they will eat them
that was more likely a african clawed frog, dwarf frogs dont get that big hence the dwarf bit

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