Water Conditions


New Member
Jan 12, 2009
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Hey, I just bought a test kit to see how the water in my tank was looking. Although the kit gives a rough idea of what each level should be I was just wondering if someone could shed some light if my water is ok. I currently have a 50l biube tank kept at 26degrees with plenty of plants. I currently have 3 zebra danios, 2 white cloud minows and 4 dwarf gourami. All the fish seem happy enough and im doing regular water changes. The kit gave the following readings:
-pH: 6.8
-Nitrate 40ppm
you dont have a 50 litre biube it is 35 litres

your tank is too small for danios and 4 gouramis, but 2 gouramis would be fine. and more minnows would be better.

you have an ammonia reading which isnt good, did you cycle the tank or have you heard of cycling?
Yes I cycled the tank for about 4 weeks with just the danios and minnows changing about 1/3 of the water each day using and aqua-safe liquid which was recommended by my LFS.
Umm..any ideas how to lower it? Will more water changes work?
No just checked and giving a reading of 0.00ppm from the tap

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