Thanks, Tolak! This is what I have:
20 gallon, light to moderately planted (vals, java moss and sword)
Filter: Penguin 125 biowheel
4 inch bubble wall
Only two fish for the time being: lyre tail dalmation molly and a pleco
When I first started out at the end of November I was not aware of fishless cycling (my bad for not doing more research at the time) and I lost 3 mollies. Tank is not fully cycled yet.
Ammonia is zero
NitrIte is .50 ppm
NitrAte is 10 ppm
I've been replacing 2-3 gallons per week.
I also have:
55 gallon in the process of fishless cycle. I am currently on day 9 and I am VERY happy to report a nitrite siting today!! (.25 ppm)
I haven't decided what to put in the 55 gallon yet other than my pleco. I would like it to be moderate to heavily planted, though. The filter is an Emperor 400.
20 gallon, light to moderately planted (vals, java moss and sword)
Filter: Penguin 125 biowheel
4 inch bubble wall
Only two fish for the time being: lyre tail dalmation molly and a pleco
When I first started out at the end of November I was not aware of fishless cycling (my bad for not doing more research at the time) and I lost 3 mollies. Tank is not fully cycled yet.
Ammonia is zero
NitrIte is .50 ppm
NitrAte is 10 ppm
I've been replacing 2-3 gallons per week.
I also have:
55 gallon in the process of fishless cycle. I am currently on day 9 and I am VERY happy to report a nitrite siting today!! (.25 ppm)
I haven't decided what to put in the 55 gallon yet other than my pleco. I would like it to be moderate to heavily planted, though. The filter is an Emperor 400.