Water Chemistry Questions


New Member
Feb 25, 2008
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(post edited to be less wordy, in case I am putting people off reading/replying to me!)


I have been reading about water chemistry for hours (inc great post here by Wolf)and I STILL have questions.

PH = <5(I need a kit that tests lower than this, to be sure how much acidic)
KH = 1
GH = 8
Ammonia = 0.6 (I'm currently assuming a mini cycle, and have been acting accordingly)
Nitrite = <0.1
Nitrate = between 10 and 20 mg/l

Fish = 6 Corys (2 albino, 2 bronze, 2 sterbai), 6 harlequin rasboras and a bristlenose plec
Capacity = 45 litres
Temperature = 24 degrees c.

How's my hardness looking for my fish? (I can't get to grips with a low KH and a much higher GH)

I want to raise the ph to around 6.5 stably and long term. I'm thinking of crushed coral, but not sure an Interpet PF1 is suitable for housing a mesh bag of it? Is it possible, and how much would be ideal to use? (it seems to come in substrate sized bags!)

If you were me, would you put carbon back in the filter? I read that it's unnecessary, but I still have 6 carbons. Does anyone swear by using them?
Can't help with the hardness discussion, but then I've never really bothered about it. I too live in Cornwall and as you say, the water is very soft, I have read that in general hard water has a higher pH and soft water has a lower pH. This may explain why my tap water comes out with pH of about 7.0 but rapidly drops to 6.0 once in the tank. My own API test kit only measures down to 6.0 and that's what I read in both tanks, which have different occupants, substrate, and plants.

My cory's seem to do fine with this water.

I took out my carbon months ago without any ill effects -- saved me a fortune.

Your acidity will reduce the level of ammonia as it will not allow ammonium to turn into the toxic ammonia.


[240 litre fluval and 120 litre juwel]
Thanks Martin, that's interesting. My ph had tended to be around 6.5, but has dropped a great deal recently, so trying to get back to nearer to the 6.0-6.5 mark again I think. And thank you for the note on ammonium to ammonia.

All the best.
Just bumping this in case anyone has some wisdom they can offer me regarding hardness and my water.

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