Fish Fanatic
This seems like an obvious beginner question but here it goes nonetheless:
From all the postings, books and FAQs on aquariums I gather that water changes should be done weekly or semi weekly; however, if the ph is stable (7.4) and the NH3/NH4 = 0ppm, NO2- = 0ppm, NO3- = 10-20 ppm and the fish look "happy" and colorful do I need to do further water changes in a fully cycled (I believe) tank that frequently?
I have a 55 gallon (208 L) tank
From all the postings, books and FAQs on aquariums I gather that water changes should be done weekly or semi weekly; however, if the ph is stable (7.4) and the NH3/NH4 = 0ppm, NO2- = 0ppm, NO3- = 10-20 ppm and the fish look "happy" and colorful do I need to do further water changes in a fully cycled (I believe) tank that frequently?
I have a 55 gallon (208 L) tank