Water changes


Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Hampshire, UK
Please remind me on why we do water changes. I had my tank up and running for 2 months now. I just done a water test and all OK, even the nitrate is only 2-3. I have a small algae problem but I'm going to get 3 Otos tomorrow (that should sort the algae out). I have a gravel cleaner coming that recycles the water back into the tank. So would I need to do a water change or could I leave it until the nitrate rises a bit?
To add clean water! I dont know all the scientific reasons, but I know the obviouse!

Er...maybe I'm just weird, but I vaccume my tank every week, and thats my water change....

Edit: This didn't help in the slightist, did it? Well.......I guess I'm not the smartest....after all, my hero is dory....

Edit #2: But Ha! You can't call me blonde no more because last week I died my hair Red! Like really red! Its a bit duller now, but its still red! Its like a level 4 permanent...
Water changes are about the equivalent of changing the sheets on your bed. You wouldn't want to sleep on them after a month or so even though they may still look clean. Fish need good water conditions to prevent stress and disease, some more so than others. I'm a little confused by a syphon that sends the water back into the tank. It would seem to me that you are also putting the dirt back in the tank, negating the effort. I also don't know how it would work since a syphon works only when the outlet is lower than the intake.

As for your algae problem, do you know what type algae you have. Different fish will eat different types of algae and there are some types that no fish will eat (blue green algae). Before you buy the otos, do some research and make sure they will eat what you have. Also, try to find out what is causing the algae: over feeding, lights on too long, etc. It is better to prevent it that get something to eat it.
First, take a look at this Gravel Cleaner.
The algae is mostly brown with a little green. The brown is due to not enough light which I'll slowly increasing to get it under control. The Otos love brown algae and like the normal green algae from want I understand.
I see how the vacuum works but the purpose of water changes is to put fresh water in the tank, not to just clean the bottom. The fish need clean water even if you don't do a gravel vac.
i do water changes to clean out my gravel and make my water clear

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