Water changes question


New Member
May 17, 2021
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I am new to fish keeping and I bought a 125 gallon aquarium.

All of the specimans in the tank require 25% water change per month.

My question is does it need to be at the same time or can I change out 1 gallon per day which would equate to roughly 25%?

Answer much appreciated.

I am someone who is on the low side for aquarium water changes, I used to change only 20% of my water weekly. I now change 40 to 50% of my water weekly. A gallon a day won't do very much in my opinion.
I am assuming the question is with reference to a freshwater aquarium (not marine). If fish are in the aquarium (or intended), you need to do a regular--which here means once a week, every week--partial water change. The volume of the water changed is where aquarists vary. While it is true to a limited degree that this depends upon the number of fish, tank size, live plants, fish size and type, and such, the scientific truth is that the more water changed the better the health of the fish. Minimal volumes, like 1 gallon a week will make absolutely no difference; 10 gallons in a 125g similar, even 25% of this volume (which would be roughly 30 gallons, is really not going to do anything. I'll come back to this.

Provided the parameters--and to be certain, these refer to four things only, GH (general hardness), KH (carbonate hardness or Alkalinity), pH and temperature--are reasonably similar between those of the tap (source/fresh) water and the tank water at the time of change, large volume changes of 50-60%, even 70% of the tank's water can and should be changed. The article pinned in the Tropical Discussion Form here https://www.fishforums.net/threads/regular-partial-water-changes.471488/ explains why this is good maintenance. There is "stuff" in the water that cannot be removed by any other method.

The percentage of the volume of water in the tank determines how much of the crud or pollution gets removed; if you remove half the water, you remove only half of this crud/pollution and the other half remains, increasing obviously until the next change. Removing say 25% of the tank's volume is only removing 25% of the bad stuff. To be really effective you need to remove as much as possible. There is no way to measure any of this for most of us, it is just scientific fact--and a good habit to get into from the start!
100% agree with the above. I tried to post the link to that thread but couldn’t figure out how
As long as you do a 10-gallon water change every day or do a 60-gallon water change once a week you will be fine. I usually do water changes every Sunday on all of my tanks. Up to you though what you want to do.
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As long as you do a 1-gallon water change every day or do a 50-gallon water change once a week you will be fine. But no matter how many water changes you do you need a strong filter. Not too strong though.

Unless we are not understanding what you are trying to say, this is false. One gallon a day in a 125g tank is useless, all you are likely doing is replacing evaporated water. And 25% once a week is a step in the right direction, but still likely going to be inadequate to have any real benefit for the poor fish. We don't know the intended fish of course, nor how many, how big they get, etc, etc...
You should refresh I said a 10-gallon water change.

You corrected that after I quoted the original, but that is fine as you made an initial slip, we all do. But 10g per day is significantly less benefit than 60g weekly, there really is a huge difference.
Please don't pay attention to my first post if it shows a 1-gallon water change daily. I edited it after I sent it because I noticed I put 1 gallon instead of 10 gallons so if you didn't refresh it might still say 1 gallon.
I would have thought I was pretty stupid too if I saw a 1-gallon water change. But I meant 10-gallon water change simple mistype, sorry:):eek:.
The reason I think you should do a 60-gallon water change weekly is that you will be doing a 50% water change weekly which is perfect. But 70 would be even better.
I am new to fish keeping and I bought a 125 gallon aquarium.

All of the specimans in the tank require 25% water change per month.

My question is does it need to be at the same time or can I change out 1 gallon per day which would equate to roughly 25%?

Answer much appreciated.


"All of the specimans in the tank require 25% water change per month."

I'm very curious how you arrived at this conclusion (?)
Regardless, agree with Byron above, weekly water changes, and the more, the better for the overall health of the tank.

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