Enthusiastic "Re-Beginner"
Well I'm sure its just paranoia on my part as a "Re-Beginner" as I've certainly studied the back&forth in many threads here regarding this little bit of controversy. There seem to be members who are well-regarded as experienced here on TFF (as far as anyone can ever tell) who fall into both camps. I had reached the point of feeling that 25 or 30% changes with cold water would probably be fine assuming you had a reasonably mature tank and not terribly expensive species but I was worried about 50%. Hearing you report your success with 50% is just one more tidbit of evidence that that would probably be ok too in most cases. Of course at some point there must be a "crossover" to it being dangerous since use of icewater is a form of fish euthanasia, right?Daft question of the day.... Why temperature match? I do twice weekly 50% water changes, direct from the cold tap, into my Discus tank at 30c. Discus are renound for being fussy about water conditions, bu tI've never had an issue with my method, even in cold weather and snow...
Just wang in cold water from the tap. It's know to make may catfish species spawn, hardly a sign of stress IMO...
All the best