Water Change Question


Fish Addict
Dec 8, 2005
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off in my own little world
I used to change the betta tank once a week, but he was in the 1 gallon tank- he's been in the 10 gallon about 5 days, and I did a 25% water change today... should I keep up the once a week water changes? He's not a big waste producer, but I did get a little gunk out of his tank. He didn't seem to mind really, but got real close to the vac part and flared a little- it was kinda cute :)
I would stick to the weekly changes. That's just personal preference, I change all of my tanks once a week, it's just easier for me to stick to a routine. As long as the tank is fully cycled though, you could probably get a way with water changes every 2 weeks.
most of the waste produced by fish is not solid but takes the form of secreted chemicals. thus even though you can't see the waste doesn't mean that its not there.

i also vote that you keep up the 25% weekly changes.
If he's in a 10 gal. all by himself, then once a week is sufficient--unless you find it easier to do smaller changes more frequently.
25% weekly on a 10-gallon with JUST betta is overkill. Once every 3-4 weeks is fine with cycled tanks. With as little waste as he's producing by himself, the nitrates aren't going to get high.
You could always invest in a couple of test kits and judge for yourself. :) I feel antsy when I don't test my water often, it's hard to remember the days when I thought I didn't need one.
i personally advocate weekly water changes because its always easier to perform a habitual task. thus tying the water change act to a weekly trigger (like returning from church or watching a certain show) will not only help you remember to change the water, but will also help develop a time-efficient routine. plus you get ultra-clean water and prettypretty fins!

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