I hate having to wear sunglasses while I'm trying to workfreshmike said:....but hot pink is cool!!!
I didn't know what a dustbin was until FM explained )sorry - Dustbin
I hate having to wear sunglasses while I'm trying to workfreshmike said:....but hot pink is cool!!!
I didn't know what a dustbin was until FM explained )sorry - Dustbin
took me maybe 1.5 hours to do enough sand for my 54G. But since I was doing small amounts at a time it didn't take them very long to get clear water. The smaller amount of sand you work with the less time it takes that sand to get completely cleaned. I actually started with a 5G bucket but it was taking FOREVERcutechic said:Whooa, how long did it take you to do all that sand with a 1 gallon jug?!
I don't think I'd have that much patience
Yeah, I think there was too much flow. I've got it almost done now. I had the same amount of flow this time, but I waited for the water and the larger particles of sand to settle before dumping the water out. I rinsed it out a total of 10 times so far, but the water is still coming out a little cloudy. I'll rinse it out once or twice more before putting it in the tanks.