Warning To All!

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Dec 26, 2010
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Hi all. I'm posting here to give you all a warning that someone who I believe to be a member on here is somehow managing to get personal information from our profiles.
I have spent the last few hours believing that I had been talking to another member on here when in fact it was some person that has somehow managed to get hold of my mobile no. Which I have never displayed on the Internet.

It basically started from another members post on here in which this hoaxer has fed off by keeping the topic going by phone txt and once I realised that it was a load of crap (I pm'd the member who the hoaxer was imitating to confirm) the hoaxer started to get aggressive by threatening my wife and kids. . That person will be soon be getting it straight back at him 10 fold once my mate at BT finishes the mobile no. Trace.

If you get a txt from mobile no. 07989214913 claiming to be another member on TFF then tell them right off.

This is not some prank, this is serious!

I don't know what the moderators can do about this but what I will say is be careful what information you display about yourselves in your profiles and when posting!

Right, if you need me, I'll be digging myself a hole!

Ps- MODERATORS/ADMIN please warn others about this as I get the feeling I am the first of many.

Pps- please don't ask me the details as I have already embarrassed myself by explaining to the other member partially involved.
Any pm's sent by yourselves regarding this will be ignored and deleted.


Take care all.

This topic is now also up in the journel section and board announcements section.
Cant believe people can be so pathetic! They are obviously a regular on here tho to know you have a wife and kids! Makes no sense at all what the purpose of it was!
I'm confused? So did you give your number to another member? I'm worried now. Have they hacked your account? Why did they call you?
Sorry for the questions just trying to establish if my details are at risk?
I'm really careful what i put up anywhere on the internet. Working in IT has made me paranoid. Personally mate I would contact the police. Using forums to get people's phone numbers and other info is one thing, but threatening your family is completely beyond the pale.
As I'm having repercussions over this I have decided to remove all my info from my profile as well as disable my pm service simply to protect myself and family's identity.
I have pm'd some members on here explaining this as I don't want people to think I'm being arrogant by ignoring them. I deleted the pm's straight after sending them so I'm not entirely sure if they have received it. If one of you have received it (should come through as a notification on your emails) then can you please post in here to let me know.

Do you have any idea of how he managed to obtain your information?

Do you own a games console?
Woody, this is all getting a bit concerning for everyone. Can you just elaborate a tad on what info is at risk and where from. As far as I am aware I don't have contact numbers and stuff on here? Sorry if im being thick, just concerned. :)
Thanks for letting me know weez!

Lewis, I'm not entirely sure to be honest mate but it's someone on here that got my mobile number god knows how but he was txting me pretending to be someone and he mentioned things that were on pm's to other members.
Wether he got the info from my pm's on here or via my emails I don't know which is why I have blocked my messaging service, disabled my email address on here and wiped my profile.
Once I clocked on that it was a hoax he threatened me and my family. I'm not worried about myself as I can hold my own but my pregnant wife and little boy would be at risk.

I'm struggling to trace this prick but I will and when I do I'm personally gonna #70### him up. No one threatens my family and gets away with it.

Don't wanna point the finger but could a moderator have access to pm's? If that's the case then I'm outta here permanently.
Moderators aren't able to access PM's, do you use facebook? Did you like the TFF page on facebook?
only a admin can access members acounts not mods unless thnings have changed since i run a website like this

if u have any info on this person at all let me no as i may be able to help also not really clear what has happend but is this the only site he spoke about ?? do u use same password for everything else on web ? and is your home router passworded ?
Thanks for clearing that up woody. Very concerning. Hope you get to the bottom of this mate..
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