Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Itty in all of these posts lately I haven't seen you vote yes or no except talk about culture. So I assum that you think it's okay as long as it is done super careful and with full respect for the animal?
The reason not to fight a siamese fighting fish is because the pet store bettas aren't even the right type to fight. The long fins hinder them and they aren't as agressive as regular fighting plakats. If you ARE going to fight bettas at least get the right kind. That's like putting two golden retrievers together and going sick em'! Not gonna happen....
I voted NO!
The reason not to fight a siamese fighting fish is because the pet store bettas aren't even the right type to fight. The long fins hinder them and they aren't as agressive as regular fighting plakats. If you ARE going to fight bettas at least get the right kind. That's like putting two golden retrievers together and going sick em'! Not gonna happen....
I voted NO!