Would you sell/give your betta fry up for fighting?

  • Yes, It wouldnt bother me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hell no, I think its awful!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It depends how much he is offering me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Drobbins.......drobbins........drobbins......... :blink:

When are you going to learn when and over what to keep your mouth shut!!!!

:X People feel just as strongly about bettas fighting as they do dogs.....or chickens......or......???

I think it is sick to purposely put two animals together and more-or-less "MAKE" them fight. If you were.....I suppose you could say LUCKY enough to see such behavior in the wild and told others of your encounter......we may say something like, "Hmmmm interesting" or possibly even "Wow, I wish I could have seen it" but just ploppin two bettas in a little bowl and letting them try and kill each other..... :-(

I don't know what to say............

Why do we humans always try and play God.....?? :no:

I disagree with the idea of making bettas fight, for more or less the same reasons as you (although drobbins27 has put together a pretty good argument), BUT I think that you're completely out of line saying:

When are you going to learn when and over what to keep your mouth shut!!!!

Everyone has the same right to say what they like, especially on a forum such as this. Also, as drobbins27 has already said, he was trying to provoke interesting conversation, and challenge people's views, which is the only way that humans will ever progress. OK, I don't agree with him and neither, it seems, do many other people here, but that's no reason to say that he should keep his mouth shut.

I have a feeling what I'm about to say is wrong but what is the point of having a Fighting Fish if it can't fight? Oh, I wouldn't give away my fighting fish though.
Guppylover said:
I have a feeling what I'm about to say is wrong but what is the point of having a Fighting Fish if it can't fight? Oh, I wouldn't give away my fighting fish though.
Some of us keep them because they are beautiful and interesting fish.
I didn't vote on this poll but i wouldn't put 2 male betta's on the same bowl and watch them kill eachother..I would also like to mention that people shouldn't judge other people base on their culture..For example me i spend most of my childhood in Asia(philippines) and cock fighting is a big sport back home... My father and most of my uncles are into this sport and I don't think it's cruel as it seems at all.... First of all people who are into this sport treats their chickens or cocks like royalty, they receive the best food and they are train and condition..believe it or not but they get sponge baths and daily massages and veteran figthers who is unable to fight spends the rest of their lives with several females to breed and produce future champions....

My point on this is that if you are in North America or Europe where it's not a custom for people to fight animals as a sport then don't do it and respect their opinions...then it should be the same vice versa....don't tell people in thai, vietnam...asia that they are ignorant and stupid for having a different culture and customs.....

G_Sharky said:
Probably not.

It being traditional and part of someone's culture does not make it right. Fox hunting is not right because some stupid aristos dressed up and pranced around on horses and set dogs after foxes years ago.

I can maybe understand if it's someone's culture but I do not like people who think they are above others because of some 'food chain' nosense (like we'd have a chance if a lion etc wanted to eat us) and think that they can cause another suffering in the name of their own entertainment.

Look at the outcry because of what American soilders have been doing to Iraqi prisoners for fun. Being human does not make us and our wants more important.
Look at the outcry because of what American soilders have been doing to Iraqi prisoners for fun. Being human does not make us and our wants more important.
I hope your not referring to all American soldiers Ms. Cheesy..... I know that what SOME american soldiers did to iraqi prisoner is uncalled for and they should be severely punish for it, but not all of them are like that...Every race or country has it's own idiots, but not the majority....I'ts like saying all Muslims are terrorist which is not true.....

wow were are getting off topic...this is post is supposed to be about betta fighting.... :S
G_Sharky said:
Look at the outcry because of what American soilders have been doing to Iraqi prisoners for fun. Being human does not make us and our wants more important.
I hope your not referring to all American soldiers Ms. Cheesy..... I know that what SOME american soldiers did to iraqi prisoner is uncalled for and they should be severely punish for it, but not all of them are like that...Every race or country has it's own idiots, but not the majority....I'ts like saying all Muslims are terrorist which is not true.....

wow were are getting off topic...this is post is supposed to be about betta fighting.... :S
I think you know exactly what I meant. Of course I didn't mean all soilders. :sly:

Doesn't get away from my point. Other beings (human, fish etc etc) do not exist for the sick amusement of others. To have a fish in an appropriatley sized, clean, well maintained tank is for someone's pleasure but it's not in the same world as forcing to animals to fight for 'fun'.
Doesn't get away from my point. Other beings (human, fish etc etc) do not exist for the sick amusement of others.

I get your point....I'm not tryin to get into an arguement with you and I do respect your opinions....But if you are ever in asia and you see people fighting bettas would you look down on them and tell them that they are a bunch of sick bastards....I think it's only human nature that we seek amusement and sometimes to the extend of watching other's fight and battle, just like watching football or hockey were it's more exciting when two teams rough up and tries to rip each others head off in the field or in the ice just to get the W...
Just because people have been doing something for a long time and it is considered their "culture", it doesn't make it any less cruel or barbaric. :grr:
cometcattle said:
Just because people have been doing something for a long time and it is considered their "culture", it doesn't make it any less cruel or barbaric. :grr:
Oddly, the same people who believe some cultures are barbaric wouldn't survive without a supermarket because they are so sheltered and coddled. If they want chicken or fish, let them hunt it, kill it, and clean it themselves.

You are fairly new here and may not be familiar with drobbins!! He has the habit of.....well......starting an uproar!!!!

Instead of saying
>> bettas fighting......sweet......cool << or whatever he said, he should probably have said something a little less goating like
>> Hmmm, I think it would be very interesting to see 2 bettas fight, after all they ARE fighting fish, right? <<


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