Want some more fish


Fish Crazy
Aug 4, 2004
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I have currently in my 10 gallon tank
3albino cory
6neon tetra (may soon be 5-one has lost his back tail)

I was wondering if I could add in two mollies. I dont know if I have the room for them or if I'd be pushing it but I'd really like to have a pair of mollies in there as they fill in the tank better between the cory's who stay below and the neons that just sit behind a piece of wood when I walk by. What do you think? -_-

aquaclear mini and water changes every week, vacuum every 2 weeks
the reason I think I may be able to do this is because neons arent huge waste producers? Maybe I'm wrong, and it may be that the mollies would exceed my biofilter limits
sorry I missed the second part, yes its cycled as well.
Neons and cories are both relatively low waste producers. I would think that 2 mollies would be OK....
I will buy a few mollies then!

So is it bad to get both females or both males? I just dont want fry swimmin around there as i dont have a fry tank or anything, would I be safe to get 2 of the same sex?

Hmm... I read somewhere that mollies need at least a thirty gallon, but I could be wrong...
Well I have 4 mollies in a 10g in the other tank, 3 months and no problems.

So whats the overall concensus?
Well, I could keep a goldfish in a bowl for two to three years, so what's the big deal in that?

I offered advice on a subject you asked for. Take it or leave it, it really doesn't matter to me.
He gave advice alright ... whether it was good or bad is a diff story ... lol .... but to your question maybe turn the ten into a nice comm. and get a 15 or 20 which can house several pair of mollies with ease :) you could fit them but I wouldn't suggest it but it is your choice :nod:
I'm just stating what I read, from a store that actually employs marine biologists.

Like I said though, I could care less what is put in the tank. I mean, if you want my opinion, I'd get something that eats other things (live). Livebearers are okay, but they just eat and screw for the most part, not much in the way of personalities if you get my drift.
Wow, I wasn't insulting your intellegence there ninjasmurf, I was just asking if it'd be managable, not possible, what woud I get out of that really? I was just asking if it was managable because I wanted more fish movement in my 10g. I would love to have a 15 or 20 gallon but I cant afford that.
So I'll ask again, has anyone put this amount of fish into a 10gallon or similar situation and is it MANAGABLE with regular fish tank care (vacuum, water chages etc) -_-
Hi Jim, I think you would be fine with two mollies, but no more. In my opinion mollies, platys, and guppies are all similar in their needs/care. They are all relatively hardy fish and I think they would do okay. You are correct in thinking that neons and corys both have low bio-loads. I consider myself to be very conservative when it comes to stocking a tank. You can look at my signature and see what is in my tanks. HTH! :)
Thanks for the help, I think I'll give it a try! :cool:

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