walmart tanks

I bought my ten and my 29 at Wal-Mart. They are decent enough tanks, just make sure to buy a better filter/heater, and maybe a stronger florescent tube. :nod:
But I plan to buy my 75 at the LPS, just because I don't want to support greedy organizations like Wal-Mart more than I have too. :)
I bought a 55-gallon kit at Walmart last December and haven't had any problems with it. Also it's not bowing like some you have said. My son has two 29-gallons from Walmart and they are good tanks also.
My 10gal tiger barb tank is from wal-mart. I think that they can sell fish stuff cheaper because they have so many departments that they can compensate with. At a LFS, if they are losing money, they have to make it up with fish and tank supplies. At Wal-Mart, they can adjust a few pennies here and there and make up for anything from any department. When I managed the LFS that we had here there were many times when they were able to sell things well under our own cost. I think that if a person can afford it, it's better to buy from reputable LFS's, but I know that it's hard when we see the same products for so much cheaper.
I don't mind buying supplies at WalMart - it's the fish that get me. As for the tanks, I'm planning on getting a 55 at my PetsMart. Theirs are not in boxes so you can check out the glass before buying (not get cracks). A 55 there is $100 (US) with hood and light. WalMart has a package with an ok hanging filter and some other stuff, but it's $50 more. IMO I'd rather have the tank cheaper and spend the $50 on a sweet heater and an external filter system (will cost more, but will be better for me). I buy the small equipment and all fish and most decorations from my lfs because they're great and they can use the business. But there's nothing wrong with a little competitive pricing in our capitalistic world. However I agree with Sorrell - the lfs can often use the money, and it's good to support them.
Wal-Mart tanks have thinner glass, not immensly thinner but it is quite a difference. I just did a comparison on my 29 gallon Wally world special. My OceanView 120 has thicker glass and my Oceanic's have really thick glass and they weigh a ton.

I've had no problems with my wal-mart tank but...I do hate the flimsy plastic lid that they come with. For the best tanks you should ask around your lfs, I bought my most recent 55, an Oceanic (top of the line) for $50,used.
wuvmybetta said:
Wal-Mart tanks have thinner glass, not immensly thinner but it is quite a difference. I just did a comparison on my 29 gallon Wally world special. My OceanView 120 has thicker glass and my Oceanic's have really thick glass and they weigh a ton.

I've had no problems with my wal-mart tank but...I do hate the flimsy plastic lid that they come with. For the best tanks you should ask around your lfs, I bought my most recent 55, an Oceanic (top of the line) for $50,used.
so wait your compairing your 29 gallon to your 120 gallon glass thickness.....
I'll wait for your responce befor I bust a nut laughing.

Hate to tell people this, but wallmart tanks are made in the same factory as many other brands of tanks. and hte only difference is the name stamped on it, and the quantity ordered, thats why walmart sells for less.

Bottom line is if you want to know why walmart has stuff for cheaper, go and look at there main warehouses.... they are bigger then small towns. the shear quantity they buy from the manufacture makes it cheaper for everyone.
My 10 gallon from WM is okay and I will be going for the 174 dollar 55 gallon as soon as I get paid. You will need better lights once you get the tank. If you head out the door into there fenced in garden area (midtown not dimond) they have 90 gallon pond kits (hard plastic) for about 200 dollars. I'd get one but I've got littles running around here and can't get a pond till I move or they do.

If you wan't you can get a good 30 gallon at denali pets for about 175 or a 55 for 400 :crazy: The pet food warehoue is the only place other than walmart with okay prices. seeing as how Animal house only sells big ones at compedative prices.

Oh and the walmart filters aren't very good. they are okay but I'd rather they came with a better filter (I replaced mine right away I had to saw a new opening in the top but now I filter the water like 30 times an hour)
I got my 29 gallon at Walmart for $100. I bought a Whisper 20-40 filter right away and spent $28 for it, just recently replaced that with a Penguin 330 (paid $21) from Walmart has good prices on tanks, but you can get way better prices if you shop for your other accesories online. Big Al's and Pet Smart have better prices online than any retail store.

Just wanted to give out some suggestions.

P.S. - The heater that came with my 29 gallon was a Whisper 20-30 (100 watt, $20 @ Walmart) that died within 2 months, replaced that with a Rena Cal 150 watt for $20 (Big Al's).

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