how much difference does the shape of the tank matter to the fish???

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I'm not hating on jar setups as something pretty, I just don't find them fair to fish. This goes to tall setups too.

For example, take a 30 gallon. If it's one of those tall hexagon ones, you can't stock it like a standard 30g. You'd have to stock it more like a smaller tank. Because the footprint of it is narrow. You'd have to look at the length and width. If it's the same width as a 10 gallon, you'd have to stock it like a 10 gallon, instead of putting a standard community in it.

A small tall tank? Wouldn't consider much to put in it because they're too narrow. And for the reasons listed above--it's not just the space but also heat regulation, surface area for oxygen exchange, and circulation.

You can make a fantastic beautiful scape with it. But, you don't need a fish for it. There's a lot of "scapers" who put the scape and tank shape above the fish's needs and only want a fish in it to add movement to the scape and it's not fair to the fish.

It's not just jars. Tall tanks just aren't great for overall fish use, you have to treat them differently. But that doesn't mean they can't be used to make something beautiful. But that's all the taller tanks are made for, to look prettier and for "space saving".

If i had the choice of a column 10 gallon or a standard 10 gallon to put a betta in, I'd choose the standard every time as there would be more space for them to enjoy. They do use a lot of horizontal space and can become depressed in small spaces

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