walmart tanks


Mar 23, 2004
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anchorage, alaska
the 55G tanks i just saw at walmart are a whole lot cheaper than the ones at the LFS', and i was wondering if there's a quality difference. i mean, glass is glass, but i just wanted to toss the question out there.
i think its the design of the thing.

like, i bought mine at walmart, but a friend bought his on ebay, and his is the curved front kind.

it cost a lot more for him, but hes happier than me right now.
IMO, I have seen the tanks at Wal-mart and lfs and it’s pretty much the same thing. Wal-mart is cheaper only because they buy in mass quantities.
yeah ... I buy every fish thing there but fish. the prices are around 5% cheaper than petco, my local chain store

I've noticed that my LPS sells things for ALOT more than the chain stores and WAY more than wal-mart... as much as I want to buy from the LPS so I can talk about fish with him and learn more about this hobby I simply don't have the money to buy from the LPS!

<--no income .... poor ... still in high school ...
Synastic said:
IMO, I have seen the tanks at Wal-mart and lfs and it’s pretty much the same thing. Wal-mart is cheaper only because they buy in mass quantities.
Completely agree. I find at my lfs though I can get tanks that come with more stuff, like it comes in a package(food, a net, etc are included) unlike some of the walmart tanks.
if you buy the kits at Wal mart they come with everything but fish water and gravel. I buy products at wal mart and a chain pet store locally (pet supermarket) I buy fish from pet super market and a LFS. Pet supermarket has the best quality and price but has only common species.
You need to find the right LFS. 2 of my LFS's sell a 55g with hood and light from 189 and 199. Then there is another LFS that sells the SAME tank, hood and light (all AGA) for $99 for the combo. So you'll find that some are gouging some are honest. same goes for fish. more of the stores are $1.29-1.89 for a neon. Then another store sells neons for .99/each or 2 for 1.89 and its a nice store. So it varies shop around a bit. If you're lucky and live in an area like I do you can find maybe 10-15 stores in a 15 mile radius. Unfortunately for me none of them carry cardinal tetra's only neons.
i wanted something in the range of 55-75 (leaning more towards 75) and the LFS has a 72 bowfront with hood, lights, and stand for somewhere around $850- beautiful tank, but Walmart has the 55 with hood and lights for under $200. tough decisions...maybe i'll find something for a great deal at a garage sale
that 55 with hood and lights for $200 sounds like a deal, although is that Alaska $ or America $? Is there even a difference?! i don't know lol :)

just compare glass thickness and check the jcorner joints etc. some cheap tanks are 2 layes of glass attached together instead of just one thicker piece. Not sure how much difference it makes but i know what id prefer
BE CAREFUL. One of the guys I work with bought a 29 gal. tank from wallies and the glass bowed out a bit. He called the manufacturer about it and they told him it was "normal". That right there made me feel a little sceptical about buying tanks from wallie.

Just thought I would put that one out there for you all.
i bought a 55 gal with filter, hood with lights, heater, and a bunch of miscellaneous stuff for $159 yesterday :cool: came home set it up and now have somewhere to keep my angelfish so i don't have to sell them back to the lfs. :rolleyes: seems to be good quality. and of course my 56 made by perfecto and bought at pet supermarket DID just explode last weekend. though they have been very good about replacing tank and are paying for water damages. i think the walmart tanks are a very good deal IMHO

:p :p

oh, yeah i "rescued" 3 male bettas and 2 females :wub:
There is nothing wrong with Wally World tanks. They are the same thing that you would find at you lfs. The bowing of the glass happens with any tank, no matter where you get it.

My mom has the 55 from wal-mart and she loves it. You may have to upgrade the filter or heater some day, but other then that it's a perfect tank.

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