walmart cicilids i have

My petsmart has the pacus size clearly highlighted in yellow "22 inches"... I think all stores should do that.
walmartfish said:
not only do i keep my tanks clean but i also don't sell fish with my tanks and nether does my assoc. in my store at least not the ones in my area..
and we are now giveing out the handouts i got off this forum from inchworm about cycleing tanks.. but then again i never sold fish with my tanks i always told the customer it was better to go home and start the new tank and come back later for the fish when the tanks where right and that we could test the water for them if they brought in a sample ..yes that is a skirt tetra.. what would impress you maybe come by my store and see what i have and what i do for my fish.. they are my babies and i would not sell just to have them die.. i take pride in my fish and my tanks...hope to revive the trust in walmart .. some day.. also i do not sell pacu's or any other fish without telling the person what to expect as far as the size the fish will get.. :)
That's good :D I wasn't trying to generalize walmarts, I just don't like them for fish, although I would probably buy supplies from them :)
Still, i mean anyone in the hobby enough to provide a tank large enough for a pacu does not buy at walmart, it's good your fish are happy though while at the store, it's obviously better than even some pet stores in calgary at least in terms of clean tanks and removed dead fish

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