Wall Tank

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Dec 8, 2005
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I have just purchased a wall tank with everthing i need to get start, apart from fish and plants obdviously!
Basically i need help deciding which fish to install in the tank given the dimensions. I want the most attractive and colourful fish possible but obdviously nothing toop big as i dont want to be harsh to the plants.

My tank size is 66" x 10" x 3.5" Please can you suggest small, colourful and friendly fish i can buy and quantities of each, my first purchase will be cardinal tetras as i think these look the best of the tetra family i have seen unless someone can suggest better tetras? Any info would be great cheers, Robb
That's a really tricky size as it's so narrow. You need to make sure the fish can easily turn round, obviously! I'd suggest neon tetra rather than cardinals as they are slightly smaller. However, neither are particularly hardy, so you'll need to be patient and wait until the tank is truly mature before you add them.
Then perhaps you could add shrimps for the bottom, but i'd leave it at that and add no more. Am not sure of the volume of the tank, but I'd imagine it's a lot less than you'd expect.
I personally would recommend you stock it very lightly.
What would you suggest puttng in the tank first then?
Because it's only 3.5" wide you are VERY limited. Pretty much nothing over 1 inch IMO. I'd look at some of the tiny livebearers to start with, endlers for instance.
You will be very limited indeed....they are more a decoration than an aquarium since (as you have now found out) there are going to be VERY few fish you can actually keep and considering its 66" long it probably wont be as decorative as you thought when you bought it Im afraid.
Wow, thats a long tank. I actually have a tape measure beside me so I was able to vision the tank pretty well. But the tank itself would only be about 10 gallons ((66x10x3.5)/231) so it would indeed have to be stocked pretty lightly. But don't get discouraged, I'm sure if you plan what is going to go into it, it will look awesome. Pictures will be a must once you're all done.
theres a couple of pictures here to give you an idea of the size of this tank, it has no water in it as im moving house in january so it will all be setup then, i have seen these tanks in real life and they looks very good with minimal amount of fish inside them, i was told by every pet store and such that anything up to 2 - 2 and a half inch long is fine cos that gives them more than enough room to turn around and they will be happy. Anyway heres a couple of photos for you:

PS. thats a very long 2 seater couch!
That looks awesome! :drool: That looks perfect for almost any fish under 3" maybe you could get cardinal tetras like maybe 3 or 4 of them with a few neons. But I don't think any wall could hold such a long and heavy tank even if you put the screws on the studs it still wouldn't hold. Now if you were somehow able to cut a hole in the wall that went all the way through to the other side of it and you put the tank in the wall that would be awesome.
The tank looks awesome. As already stated, you're going to have to be careful when mounting it to a wall, when full it'll weigh over a 100lbs. A built-in would definately be cool, but unless you've done some other renovations in the past or know someone that can help you, I'd advise against it.
oooh a build in. dont give me ideas!!!!!!!

Id imagine access would be highly irritating though.

you can fix it to and outside brick wall (but on the inside obviously) with on hte he hb sleeves here:


these are built for high loads.

Fixing to a partition wall is not recommended unless done through 3 studs and with extra spring load clips going behind the plaster board (say 4 should do it). Even then, any extra weight on it could bring it down. You could (and most recommended) fit a cross brace bar in a stud partition to go the length of the wall unit to be attached to. This is the recommended option as it will rely on the entire stud frame this way, but will involve removing and replacing plaster board.

nice tank though, wouldnt mind me one.
That looks awesome! :drool: That looks perfect for almost any fish under 3" maybe you could get cardinal tetras like maybe 3 or 4 of them with a few neons. But I don't think any wall could hold such a long and heavy tank even if you put the screws on the studs it still wouldn't hold. Now if you were somehow able to cut a hole in the wall that went all the way through to the other side of it and you put the tank in the wall that would be awesome.

IME You'll be fine mounting it with the studs. At 66" you could hit 5 studs if you wanted. Even if the tank weighed a total of 200 lbs this would be 40lbs per stud. I've definately hung things heavier than this on a stud .

The tank comes with all fastenings so im not too worried about that ive just got to make sure the wall i put it on it sturdy enough to take it, my main worry is what fish to put in the damn thing, what would be the best fish to start of in my tank to get it running right?

Lol not sure about the couch question the tank is just infront of it on my living room floor :-s
in britain you'd be very lucky to get 5 studs accross 66". Four, more thna likely 3 as a number of builders, especially in the 60s and 70s , didnt follow proper building plans when it came to the partition walls and put studs in at eithe 18" or 22" (the 22" required slightly bigger studs but was still cheaper than more of them.)

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